/spit on Calia

All I want is Dread Rider Cullen back

Is that so much to ask?

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So I think you’ve always known - just like everyone else in this subforum knows - that Calia’s going to be leader of the Forsaken (this expansion or the next).

It’s why those that dislike her have been railing against her as the new Forsaken Queen: because they see it coming.

Expecting it not to happen is like expecting revenge for the Night Elves.

Aw. Couldn’t happen to a nicer group of undead. :joy:


Of course they are. Just like how they’ve turned Baine completely into an accessory for Anduin, Blizzard is totally out of touch with the playerbase. Its also why they rely on the Horde elves so much as a crutch. Calia is well within their comfort zone.

A flawless (as long as you ignore her flaws), paragon of virtue and compassion … as well as embodying Divine Right to Rule. She is also a great way to just invalidate the Forsaken’s history the last 18 years; especially the hardships they faced under Human Light worshippers and their time with the Horde. Also, for some reason the BEs are super chummy with a Menethil?

Though … for me, she kinda comes off a bit like a parent who “went away for smokes” 18 years ago and now wants to be a part of their kid’s life; expecting nothing to have changed. And thanks to the writers, nothing will have. She’ll come right in and magically fix all their problems … and it will probably only cost the lives of a few more of the Forsaken’s more untoward reps.


Be that as it may, I will never stop raging against the machine to make my disdain of her as a story asset for the Forsaken story known, and open the door for others to share it.

We’re paying customers and long time fans, we should have a say in it. I’d wager that’s why most of us are here, on this forum.


Because she’s the undead version of Baine.



And the antithesis of everything that people who like the Forsaken like about the Forsaken.

Blizz has seemingly forgotten that there’s a huge gray area between “Pure light goodness” and “haha stab babies evil”.


Hey, give Baine some credit. At least the guy does generally represent the Tauren for the most part. They are a pretty chill group of people. Granted, he’s not Cairne … and that fact has only gotten worse the more they’ve turned him into a pet for Anduin. He’s essentially Disney’s Pocahontas to Anduin’s John Smith. In contrast, Calia just invalidates everything about the Forsaken, beyond who they were before befing Forsaken.


“The Forsaken are free!”

I sympathize. I really do. But at this point I’m just looking at the Night Elf fans asking for revenge and the Forsaken fans asking for anyone but Calia and having a sort of self deprecating laugh at the outcome of the War of Thorns.

Oh, yes, absolutely. I encourage discussion on issues people have with the game and narrative.

I’m just pointing out that it’s not a big secret. At least, it shouldn’t be.






Tauren are kind and peaceful but not pushovers.

Baine is a pushover.


True, but at least he half represents the Tauren at least. Calia would represent only the Parts of the Forsaken that existed before they were Forsaken. I’m not saying he’s good … he is just not comparable to her IMO. Calia conceptually destroys the Forsaken Racial Fantasy … Baine just kind of makes the Tauren’s safe White Bread.



It’s not even about the history anymore, at least for me. Every faction has been through so much, it’s understandable for some to grow out of certain beliefs they held as firmly for years.

Some of us simply don’t have a heart anymore, literally and metaphorically, and we just like it that way. Cynical beings with dry humor. This is why we continue to love our Banshee Queen. Sure she gave us free will and she led us for years, but that’s no longer the only reason we stand behind her.

If Activision wants to write off Sylvanas just to push the cultural appropriation shpiel on us, they should at least put Voss in charge and have Calia as an ambassador or a mediator or something that we don’t have to interact with her much for.

Hopefully this is all being written in such way that will allow them to change Alliance and Horde into Life and Death and let people choose whether they want to be dandies or warriors, respectively (lel)

Yes, exactly this. We don’t necessarily want to watch the whole world burn. But if its @$$ caught on fire a little bit, we’d have a good chuckle before we jumped up to help it put it out


Forsaken players not understand their own story, and being salty about sylvanas is never gonna not be funny for me, shadowlands is gonna be the best xpac


You’ll never ever understand


I agree Shadowlands will make for great comedy:

“She’ll definitely die in a side quest”

“She’ll definitely be the boss of a 5-man and die”

“She’ll definitely be the first raid boss!”

“No of course she’s not the first raid boss, she’ll be the second raid boss! And the Jailer will be the last raid boss!”

“She’ll definitely die in 9.2.5 guys, like for serials…”

“Okay she’s definitely going to be the final boss of the expansion…right guys???”

BfA all over again.



Get over it.

I went from being a fel sucking chandelier-enslaver to a holy elf. Now it’s your turn.

Oh **** off with that. Other than Syl, ain’t nobody cosplaying Forsaken.

She doesn’t want you, bro.


You can always “break” Calia, just make her into a proper undead if she doesn’t fit in.

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Something is amiss with this narrative

Calia should not be the leader of the Forsaken
Lillian Voss should not be the leader of the Forsaken
Sylvannas… should have not been the leader of the Forsaken

The whole Forsaken Ideology is self determination and discovery, It was and is the only group that should have never had central representation to begin with.

This is the one gripe that has always bothered me about the Forsaken narrative and an issue that other carried some years ago with the sect, because they became a proxy for Sylvannas’s storyline and goals the Forsaken lost there individuality to become a single character’s narrative.

But the way the game has been presented its actually been the Orcs who carry out this ideology (which made the least sense) Grommash, Thrall and Garrosh did not define the Orcs even though culturally they should have. This is why Orc leaders have been so replaceable meanwhile its the Forsaken who should have exemplified this trait more than any other but have failed to do so.


Bright Lady watch over you :slight_smile:

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