Spit emote: what's the point?

roll a rogue on classic and macro /spit to sinister strike, go to arathi and gank

>Goes to objective
>Begins casting Shadowfury on the nearby mobs that aggroed so I can click on objective unimpeded.
>Blood Elf appears and takes it during the half-second cast time of my CC, then flies away while Iā€™m killing the mobs.

I canā€™t kill the blood elf because they are our ā€œalliesā€ so I spit instead. If I canā€™t Chaos Bolt them, Iā€™ll Chaos Spitball them. If that makes them feel bad, good, they should feel bad for intentionally inconveniencing others. If they donā€™t care? Doesnā€™t matter.

If anything, we could probably use emotes that are ruder than /spit and wellā€¦ /rude. Oh, that gives me an idea for a disrespectful emote macro to use on elvesā€¦

Do us all a favor and uninstall the game. We donā€™t need this kind if negativity in our lives. If you feel compelled to keep playing there is a safe space for you. Go to your garrison and stay there. Never come out for any reason. Please.


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The point of the /spit emote is to spit on the corpse of that one person who ganked you after you put them in their place.

Unless you are Asmonbald and his fan girls. Then the /spit emote is used for anyone riding a store mount I guess.

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Why you gotta kink shame OP?

Bad look man. Bad look.

I was about to comment this, lol.

Please remove

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When I played on a PVP server years ago, and got killed too often while questing, Iā€™d fly above my enemies and /spit on them as fast and long as I could.

Imagine actually getting upset over an emote in a game and going online to whine about it


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Difficult to answer. In one MMO I played emotes played an actual role in missions. Like spitting on a statue representing your foes. Not nice but hey, the Illuminati are not nice.

In WoWā€¦ um. Good question?

its not supposed to be productive its supposed to be offensive.

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One year later!

ERP girls use it alot in the alley behind the goldshire inn on moonward and it it wasnt there you could just /em spits on %t so its not its going anywhere