Spirit Healers

Please Blizz, I beg of you, Spirit Healers are not Kyrian, they are Valkyr who left Odin and Helya, Do not replace them with Kyrian like you are doing in Dragonflight!!!

This is Trash:

This…This is a work of Art:


Oh dear, I didn’t know they looked like that, lol. Yeah, I guess that is pretty bad. They could at least be glorious winged flying Kyrian.

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I wish I could take the spirit healer with me when I go into BGs so I can rez right there instead of the graveyard. Everyone follow me, I’m a gnome!


This would be an acceptable replacement for all spirit healers, if they absolutely MUST change, but the picture in OP is just…embarrassing.

I’ve read everything I need to know. Lead me to the promised land! :heart_eyes:


They are Kyrian, just not awful looking ones like in the first image.


The current model is awful. There are way better looking Kyrian models they could use.


I got u bro,


at least i posted it as feedback on the beta forums and i added that new options could be great for the players like bwomsandi, naru and specific covenant npcs


Wow, they’re actually changing the spirit healers? I’d normally say that’s a bit of an odd thing to really care about but the Kyrian ones are just…so underwhelming.

I think that most people would be okay with forgetting the Shadowlands.

That’s just spectacular and iconic.


It’s a shame time is wasted on changing things like this when there are more important issues.

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Considering we already got a toy that replaces the healer with something else, I doubt it took them more than 10 seconds.

I really don’t care what revives me. I just instantly walk back to my corpse. What do you do?

Yeah its a solid no thanks.

Buuut its also the best incentive to never die in the open world, because none of us want to be reminded of SL lore


You know, I’m really ok with the spirit healers getting retconned as Kyrian, but I still feel like they should be rogue kyrian which is why they lost their armor.

They don’t want to guide mortals to the Shadowlands (which makes them even better imo) but rather bring them back to life.

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Someone mentioned that it seems to be a bug on beta.

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This is a bug caused by copying characters to beta- even if your retail char doesnt have the toy “on”, the beta is still applying it.

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I too have heard that and it makes me very happy.

How would they follow you in a BG? You’re too small to follow, people would lose you in a crowd!

Good point! I didn’t know graveyard Reapers were called Spirit Healers.

Sometimes I think the new writing team has a weird hatred towards the old lore and its respective writing team.

The whole story behind Shadowlands felt like a huge middle finger towards Metzen and crew.

Sorry, you’re wrong, all spirit healers are Kyrian, not Valkyr. The biggest difference is the Vanilla Spirit Healer is an Ascended, while the Mark Of Purity toy gives you an Ascended who has achieved Paragon rank. There is even a quest for players who selected Kyrian as their covenant. This sends you to Azeroth to learn how they act as Spirit Healers. Wowpedia and Wowwiki state this too, along with Wowhead. The quest chain is as follows.
1 Trial of Ascension
2 Censers of Guidance
3 Misguiding Mentors
4 To Cross the Veil
5 A Day in the Life
6 Food on the Table
7 Millie’s Garden
8 Lumber for Lakeshire
9 Lakeshire’s Last Stand
10 Where a Soul Belongs
11 Faith Through the Darkness
12 Ascended
13 The Forsworn Onslaught
14 Forged by Trial
15 The Spires of Ascension

This was not a bug i think. I noticed it today and was confused for a while because i didn’t remember using that toy on my character

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