Hi. My spirit darter set is not showing up in my transmog collection as of a few minutes ago.
Check your filters in the appearance collection.
But I have noticed some wonkiness tonight with transmogs (Renowned Explorer & the helms from the Shop for me). So Blizzard might be doing some work behind the scenes with transmog items.
Okay thanks. It’s not showing up in the filters either. My warlock was wearing the outfit and when I logged in he was unmogged :[
Yup, I have watched mog pieces disappear from my collection tonight.
I have spent lots of gold remogging pieces tonight only to watch them be rewritten.
Hopefully, Blizz can get it all sorted aoon.
Hey guys,
Seeing as multiple player’s are having this particular issue, I recommend posting a Bug Report regarding this on the Bug Report Forum. That way Quality Assurance is aware of this issue and can investigate it.
In the meantime, I recommend trying a UI Reset by following the instructions by Clicking Here.
Thanks for the replies all. Spirit Darter transmog has been restored and now shows up on my list.
Just to follow up, it is on the WOW teams radar:
We’ve seen similar behavior from other account rewarded transmogs - like the transmog helms and renowned explorer’s attire. It’s all being looked into
WHEN IS THIS GOING TO BE FIXED??? This is almost April 2022 now.
Please don’t necro a 9 month old thread. Also there has been updates made in regards to this issue. Currently the QA has been able to reproduce and locate a possible issue causing this. With that said it will take time to code a fix and test it before the team pushes the update live. These things take time, especially the hard to find bugs that doesn’t effect a large player base.