If you’re here who’s on Everglows couch ??
Man! I’ve been hoping to find Seshiro and Tesuo. I played a resto druid Sharn back in the day. Tesuo is a real life buddy of mine that I’ve lost contact with. Hope you guys are all doing well!
Man! I’ve been hoping to find Seshiro and Tesuo. I played a resto druid Sharn back in the day. Tesuo is a real life buddy of mine that I’ve lost contact with. Hope you guys are all doing well!
Already reserved on Herod. BRB gotta find gruntster for some sweet STV justice.
dude @patsajak its only been like 14 years… add me on discord Shankerz#1337 we need u and grunster back!
Tammarai - Troll Resto Shaman from Vulgar here. Left Pre-BC, anyone getting back into vanilla content?
Anyone seen Heimlich !?!
Marzzeerri : the first and last of the Soul Binders of Spirestone, Going Classic Horde as always.
G’day to old school friends that still hanging around like a bad smell. will be playing Aussie server Arugal pvp. BTW zugger u owe me 2k gold still so pay be back on classic server ok.
Heya old guildie.
Will never forget you being one of the first of the server with The Unstoppable Force
Undi - Evolved
Troll holy priest “imam” in Eminent. I only remember Keg (Off tank with thunderfury) and Snowfall (resto druid) lol.
EMOOOOOOO! What server you going to?
I remember harrow being in duskwood for so long that a gm msged him asking him to leave, he put the gm on ignore…legend.
Fadaki - Troll Mage. Server first Warlord. Would have been first High Warlord but VBoy (or w/e spelling was) beat me out that last week due to life stuffz.
Mostly planning to pvp as before so looking to link up for that.
Now there’s a name I haven’t seen in a long time. <3
Cuurb from Beef Gone Bad, any of you guys still kickin’?
Vealan - Mage
Kahji - Mage
Rrek - Warrior
Ukahh / Hydrazine, Troll Rogue. It’s crazy to still see so many names that I remember talking to, playing with, or just seeing in Org!
Anyone looking to play Fairbanks ally add me for discord info ! elfyelf #1787
my UD rogue was Ruubs and the only guild i remember at the end was Apathetic,
i dont really remember many names from back then except for Leader and maybe Heavensrogue also pretty sure a warlock named Underrated? now that im lookin through this page though i do remember Shankerz, Malatov and Juggalo