Spirestone Horde Reconnections

Just reserved Spineslicer on Herod. Hoping to see some old friends from spirestone

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Poignard here, played Warlock in vanilla on Spirestone. Was in Apathetic, hear they are playing on Grobbulus, but my crew is on Herod Horde as of now!

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Heya. Shadimar here. Been awhile.

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Hello all,

Was Crethuzada in game an undead rogue. Also played a pally. Is Neojutsu around? There was also a shaman that really helped me out but can’t remember his name. I believe he transferred to firetree.

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Let me know if you hear from him. I remember talking to him alot.

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Facebook friends with Minnow and Millionair, neither one plays wow anymore.

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Dude! What’s up? It’s Xaver

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Hello Spirestone Vets…Kryme (Troll Mage) here (toon still exists in armory - Illidan realm now). Malicious member way back, also member of a few other guilds back in the day. I recall a guildmate friend by the name of Rigamortis (undead rogue). I was the first in our guild (at that time) to obtain the ZG tiger mount…rolled a 98, will never forget that. Anyway, if the name rings a bell, hit me up.

Also rolled Orc Shaman named Rokr…still on Spirestone, still wearing his original lvl 60 gear :slight_smile:

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Zuzuspetals - Undead Priest. Was in malicious


I was a tauren Hunter in Evolved - Metathron. Remember clearing most of the raids with you. Would love to find Zugger, hunterface and more.

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It’s great to see many familiar names, lots of great memories coming back. I played Kosh, an alliance rogue in vanilla. Hope to see you guys in the battlegrounds and world pvp.


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I miss my mage, Evolved was the beginning of a long WoW career <3

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Glad to see u all posting! if you have the time and desire make sure to play Classic Wow wich is set to release on the 26th. We are All on the Herod server on Horde. Come join us! my bnet id is Shankerz#1711 and my discord is shankerz#1337 we have a 300 person raiding guild now and have 4 teams that set to rush for MC. If you plan to play message me and ill get you into 1 of our 4 raid teams once u reach 60! <3 all u spirestone players! ADDICTION <3 u 2 even tho ur alliance and u need to die!

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Hey there all. Looking forward to running into you guys, friend or foe ;). Also, yoyoyo Maul. Is Skarne coming back too?

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Trey I thought you quit man.

Don’t think so :(, i’ll mention it again next time i see him. Come roll Horde on Herod Neo/Hotz.

A bunch of my current guildies also planning on Herod. I will roll troll rogue for nostalgia of my 1st main, Drkshadow.

Its been a while. This is sinmar Orc hunter from the End. Me, Freky, and uhhz will be playing on the Whitemane server. Horde side of course.

i remember you and qilqil. If memory serves correct you quit the game as soon as you hit r14 lol.

Hey Sinmar! i remember those names :D, Uhhz was GM for awhile. Good to see you.