Spirestone Horde Reconnections

Lol yes I will never forget that lmao then he screenshoted and posted it to the forums!

Hey Fenhris,

Please tell Minnow and Millionair I said, “Hi!”. I used to have one or both of their email addresses, but I have not touched that email account in years.

Reserved my name on Herod, hopefully I can come join you all!

This is a bit off-topic, but I have just returned to WoW after several years absence. Not sure how long I will stay, but I’d love to find a nice guild. The guild I was in is basically dead–several hundred members, but no one is ever on. If any of you have a nice, inclusive guild, (i.e., non-racist, non-sexist, etc) and you have room for another member, let me know.

Hey Merton, its been a while lol don’t expect to see Blackian(warlock), richi(pvp only rogue), or killacow(Shaman) back. they gave the game up a long time ago. I transfered over spirestone to join the morlocks right when you guys were raiding Karazhan. i did not know at the time the guild was the Joke of the server haha. I healed with goobacks as a priest.

lol hey there! I’ll probably be on Stalagg now, since Herod is swarming with people. I’ll be playing under Cokeroft

@everyone Wow Classic Update We will be changing SERVERS to -=Skeram PVP Horde=- New Server reserve your names tonight starting at 6 PDT / 9 EDT. Our decision was made based of 4 hour Que times on Herod. All 400 of us are moving. Get your toons made and set and well see you all on Monday August 26 at 3pm PST /6pm EST for classic launch. Again SKEARM Hord PVP is the server you need to be on!

See you spirestone people there!


My group is switching to Skeram to try and avoid some of the queues.

Hey Merton! I raided with you guys a lot. I sent over a friend request on Discord.

My character name is Wessaka, Troll Shaman. I was good friends with Roann, Undead Warlock. I’m definitely interested in joining you guys again!

Oh I remember you, I used to chill with Gotheal and Deliverence.

Freitu - Tauren Warrior(Prot)
Unforgiven - Undead Priest

hit me up, I’ll be re-making Freitu for reliving the glory of my tank days.

Damtek - Tauren Druid and later Steb BE Paladin. Anyone around from Vita Aeterna or Moan?

Recognize some of the names. But wasn’t to vocal back than. Looking forward to starting again.

The Jesters will ride again, message on discord of you want in bretton.

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Looking to reconnect with the guild “Agony”
I played as Ozanado- Mage


and the gang!

Add me: JonReck#1170

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Hey Bud - you’re name doesn’t ring a bell but I was in Agony for quite some time.

I played Azanada and Ozanado. Most raiding on my mage.

Add me to catch up: JonReck#1170

I think I remember you…

Probly remember me as Tiduss more since i changed to hunter during BC

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That is why I had tiduss stuck in my head when looking at your name lol (also FFX being the best game ever)

I was a resto Sham in Obsolete Maxpane!

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<Maxpane restro sham