Spinebreaker Horde Reconnections

I tanked as feral…

I tanked with taloran also.

I remember you tanking Larcatta but I think that was after? unless im confused which is possible. The thing I remember about the druids the most was losing Lok’amir il Romathis from nef to a healing/balance druid. It only dropped once. Was pretty salty about it, thought I had the most dkp haha. Also wiping to vael everyday for a month.

probably not my druid because by the time i had him ready we were already clearing BWL on a regular so all the druid pieces went to me for minimum dkp i was like -30

Name: Tay
Class: Tauren Shaman
Guilds: We R Teh Suq and Forsaken Fate


Name: Zeif
Class: Undead rogue
Guild(s): We R Teh Suq, Forsaken Fate

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Name: Hoteren
Race: Tauren
Class: Shaman

Lookn for Proximo (Tauren Druid) and Desdinova (Tauren Shaman?)

I was there for mc and nef kill.

All the wipes on vael.

Good to see you anima.

Where is everyone from DoV going to play?

I’ll be at burning man during launch but after I’ll be there

I play with them still. Desdinova#1504.

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Ohrion the hunter and Boigeorge / Excathedra / Vikar / Maghi / Orhion / Boatshoes / Sodapawp / Whodi / Zhaengfei. Played in Exhumed that died. Yenexn that died. A few other guilds that died. Human After All that died. A few other guilds that died.

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I wonder if either of them still remember me fro time to time. I feel like Proximo would. i went to play with IRL friends on Aliance quite a while before BC even came out so it was a long time ago.

Dude…we definitely remember you…what is your battle tag??

wow haha. neat! iv thought about you guys tons over the years.

Fishtacos - undead female mage, Pescado - Tauren Druid, and a few more alts. I was in a few guilds, only remember Forsake Fate

Troll Shaman
I think DoV maybe? Phantom Elite afterwords

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I remember you Beefytaco. I was Fishtacos, undead female fire mage.

Hey bud, I remember your name from the guild! I was Dersion, UD mage back then. I was also barely 14 when we played back then. Imma add you Derision#11111!

This sounds all too familiar. If you want an invite to Yenexn or Phantom Elite in the main game I got the hookup lol.

I still talk to nearly everyone except for those that change their BNET name nonstop and I am like “who tf is this?!” :octopus:

Well you got dungren who was maligna’s husband. Blizzy who was his sister and the gm if i remember. Moona, tealeaf, mels, bartrak,tristy,lokamon, husk, deadalus, hadecia, nimitz,msdoom, rasayana, juneau. Bel was in there but there was a ton more.

This is Sapho the NE Rogue from Requiem just saying high.

Kamiosa was Masi Oka from Heroes. I remember a bunch of us in Requiem were obsessed with Heroes during Naxx40.