Ah good ol’ Ryan! Nice to see you again!
When I reactivated this account a while back someone else had my old user name so now I’m using this slightly modified version, but, in 2004-2006 I was:
- Brakis / Tauren / Druid
- I was in a guild that I am 95% sure was led by an undead rogue named Terrible, but that’s all I can remember. If you remember me or Terrible or the name of the guild, reach out! Would be great to reconnect.
Sestina - Undead Priest
Guild - The Apocalypse Reaction / Drums of War
I can’t believe I still recognize so many of the names in this thread. The memories
Dawn of Valor
came in about the second boss of molten core with Snojilla, Trudor, Grishnack, sayntavarice and veyroc. I think Kamiosa was the leader then. gonna be so sweet to have a computer that can handle the suppression room in bwl.
Sno, myself and some rl friends have reserved on thalnos, horde
Hey everyone. anyone remember
Leetrogue UD Rogue
Guild: Abandon All hope
I was barely a teen back then, a part of my brain feels like its refiring from reading all these familiar names and guilds. Great seeing any and all of ya!
My info Ray#1710
Leetrogue right here Kap. Curious to see your plans now. lvl 60 UD in AAH fyi
Hey Pharma - you reminded me of Kamiosa’s dkp auctions, one of the fondest memories I had of MC, that and the cascade runs!
Guild: The Hasselhoff Xperience
Arnzipal (ud mage)
Nightstalker (orc enhance shaman)
We were a smallish guild and ended up merging with the west Oz warlords for a while. Eventually alot of us server transferred to Silvermoon and joined The Dark Crew.
Quite a few west Oz people coming back …www.westozwarlords.com and we have picked oceanic Yojimba pvp server (too hard to get on Arugal)
Name: Medizin
Race: Undead Female
Class: Priest healer
Guild: Dawn of Valor
was in DoV from like the get go when the core was still clearing MC i helped run and organize the Open MC Runs we did for the public. A couple members i remember are Kamiosa (Shaman healer) Yarley (Mage) i remember 2 brothers that lived in Vegas that were core i also had a Tauren Resto Druid named Mooshmellow
Medizin Undead priest here rolling whitemane pvp might i add holy crap snojilla Grishnack sayntavarice i remember im pretty sure your name is ringing a bell too
Hey there everyone! Good to see some people coming back, not sure where i’m rolling quite yet but if you would like to add me on realid its Ryan#1236
Aww good to see old faces
Thanks for all your help in DoV
Taloran was DOV’s main tank MC through AQ (before I quit) … i think that is how you spelled it. I cant remember his brothers name right now though.
his Brother was a hunter no?
Yeah, thought it was Grishnakh and they were both Tauren. Defiler otd a lot and Lapis was his gf, think she was a priest. Was moosh the druid that always wanted to tank?
Ohial - Undead rogue !
whats up all!?!
I went with him on some of those :’(
Nice! I remember his video he made of the Cavern of Time and Hyjal before they were even known to be concepts.
Naw so there was 2 other druids aside from sno one was a jokester who was feral the other was me a druid healer