Spinebreaker Alliance Reconnections

I once killed Gwarlord 1v1 on the shores of the river behind Tarren Mill. I used a discombobulator. Turned him into a radiated gnome. True story!

Maury said that was a lie.

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Looking for Oo Crucial oO members or Drakhe.

Hey now! Knew some of us were around lol. Except I see you’re an orc on classic… I am now a dwarf lol. <3

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What’s up, Old man! How ya been? Long time, no see, my brother!

Ah, better!

Aliagorn, what’s your BTag?

GM of Annex

Playing on Whitemane Horde

Zealot was the only real GM of Annex.

Yeah my retail guild now is on benediction as horde. Never played horde in classic so it’s been fun, alliance seems like they have better leveling zone imo tho.

Saw an Orc hunter named Brang on whitemane 2 days ago. I remember him as a NE hunter on Spine, wonder if its the same guy? He was my hunter idol hah

Doubt anyone remembers me, but I’ll give it a shot.
I played on Horde side, a Forsaken priest named Djshadow.
I’m specifically looking for Kheris, a human rogue. Don’t remember what guild she was in, but she killed me so many times that her name is burned into my brain forever. Of course, I’d love to connect with anyone I annoyed as well. I miss you guys.

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What’s your battle.net tag?

I’m posternutbag#1243

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Wow this was a trip. I remember seeing a lot of these names!
Freddybokbok the human paladin. I am pretty sure I was in the guild Dark Arcane during Vanilla

Likewise my friend, I miss the good old Spinebroken days.

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RicEcusTARD NE druid.

I remember Paj and Div! Aj, Orenshi. Damo and Ben LOL. Got to dig up the old Screen shots!
I remember alot of ppl… just not the toons names till i see them.

NE priest Denth rank 13 if anyone grouped with me im on arcanite reaper playing a warrior named enshadowed

bro you still play? this is bigpickle the dwarf rogue from Req. I miss derping around southshore with winnerme carrying me through pvp


Zilzag, were you in overrated as well? I had a rogue named Streakender in there, Brang is playing but is on Earthfury.

I was, my main was a dwarf hunter named Snidely. Raided in a guild called Eclipse (were i actually had met the leader of overatted) and Knowledge during vanilla.

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