Spinebreaker Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Spinebreaker (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

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Rollus - Gnome Warlock.

Played PvE and raided with the guild “Vengeance”. Did some scattered PvP.

Names I remember are Emdee (Gnome mage), Bella (Human Warlock), Cramerr (Human Rogue)


Liedien here Night Elf Hunter. Leveled with Wrath of Thunder (I miss my aussies :frowning:) and raided with Vengeance.

Looking for my dudes Twice, Arty, Rogz, Emmitt, Bodoe, Lessie. my Wrath guys.

My Vengeance guys Lelong, Varos (remember kiting Anub? highlight of my gaming career), Dorrax, Hellcaller and all the rest.

And Jang. Who could forget Jang?


Perigord, Human Paladin

I raided with The Fallen Order for a long while.

Rabblishlomo – Human Priest 39 Twink!

Dukiehouser – Night Elf Druid

Ziklag – Human Paladin

Looking for my homies from Power Overwhelming, Spiral fracture and SOD

There are too many people to list but if you know me you will know one of my character names and if so hit up my Discord Rabbishlomo#4574

Halfhand – Night Elf Druid 39 Twink!

Foamfollower – Night Elf priest

Colinpowel – Human Mage

Also from Power Overwhelming & Spiral fracture.

Can’t remember any in-game names, but hope to reconnect with anyone from the guild.

Moonson Night Elf Rogue

Was in Blade of Stormwind

Only remember Anubes

Snrofgar - Dwarf hunter, played from Naxx patch onwards

Previous Guilds , Beep Beep Ima Jeep, Quantum , Angels of Light, Silver Daggers, Redemption

I played Paj in Banimal guild. Or my warlock Div.

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Nirogue here. Ex Grand Marshal. Played with Fusion and Annex and tons of people :smile:

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Rollus! It’s Emdee. You playing alliance again in classic? I have a group together. You should join us. I haven’t gotten ahold of Bellafaith or Cramerr yet but hopefully we do. I was the gnome mage who always out dps’d you. :slight_smile:

PM me on discord. Emdee#7830

Deowind, Deowyn, Night Elf Rogue
Guilds - Demigods, Solace
LF old guildmates, Lightfinder, Stole, Johnnyboy, Sober, Kastalain
Bnet Skovie#1266 add me

I was a Rogue in vanilla named Sapho. I raided with Vengeance and Requiem.


Dorrax and Mercurie have not been on for 6 years. I have not seen Leilong in a long time also.

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Oh man to bad. I remember we were raiding one time and Merc was talking on TS, giving healing assigns or something, and Dorrax starts talking in the background “Mew Mew Mew Hello Mister Kitty Oh MewMewMew” and the whole raid just dies laughing. 15 years later I remember that dumb stuff. Ask me what I ate yesterday? Bet I couldn’t tell you. Leilong was my bearchair we would cut up waiting for that nef respawn timer. Good times! Can’t wait for classic.

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Hey Rollus! I was wondering if you sill played! Don’t remember me eh? You raided MC and BWL with my guild EXP. Hit me up! Uncensored #1393

I remember you ! I was part of Annex for a long while on my human paladin Xavar and then on my NE warrior Nightwrath

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Don’t think anyone could forget about Jang


I had a Rogue named Chaosrouge and a Warlock Chaoticlock
Was Members of TheAllMightyGods and Æsir respectively