Vicktimizer here!
Hi man! I remember you
Oh my god I remember Tosic. I have memories of his dumb dwarf sitting on the pillar on IF bridge enchanting my stuff
haha. yep that would be him. i’ll have to see if i can get him to pop up here. i think i remember making troll gnomes that looked and had similar names to u too at one point. it might have been phoenix or telvanni too tho
3 mins let’s go
Whoa awesome!! I was like 12 years old hahah
Oh my god hahaha what’s up!
Krazyman Nightelf Hunter
Krazymann Undead Rogue
Krazywoman Human Rogue
I wasn’t a hardcore player but I met some good friends on here
I don’t really remember much character names of my old friends but mostly IRL names. Bobodruid, Nagrom, MinerJohnson were characters I remember.
I used to play with an Indian lady named Alex who got me into my first raiding guild that was in LK. I hope to find you guys again if you still play!
!!! I remember you. Thephoenix and I are actually really good friends IRL now.
I remeber Darts in Cratylus! I remember you off tanking UBRS!!! I played a pally named Lostname!
I have moved on to Rattlegore server, PVP with only 2k queue.
And I you.
Its awesome to see so many names I remember.
I’d love to get in touch with people I played with.
My main was NE hunter Blodwran
I also played an alt NE rogue Xxmonoxide
And my twink was NE priest Trebella
Sup fellas! I was Telvanni (human warlock) in the guild: Vox. I remember Knivesshadow (UD rogue), Airforceone (NE hunter), Aliagorn (human mage), Bubbles (NE Priest), GrapeApe (Orc rogue)…just to name a few. I remember the guilds: Wussy Patrol and Requiem. Hit me up if this rings any bells!
What’s up Telvanni! Come join us on rattlegore Alliance side!
Aliagorn! You were my old guild leader for a while! I don’t remember the name of the guild, though… I was Stabgazm (NE Rogue) and Whitedahlia (NE Druid) during BC/WotLK. I was mainly PvP, but did some light raiding occasionally…
I’m looking for my old guild mates from Dogmatic (the best PvP guild to ever terrorize Northrend!). If you see this, hit me up on in Classic! A few of us are over on Sulfuras on Alliance. I’m Rezarekt and Stabgazm.
I guess I should probably give a bit of info.
I played as a Night Elf Warrior - Scylar
I ran with the Red Sea Corsairs and a guy named Redcrow early on, then I moved on to ‘Bane of Iniquity’ Where I played a lot with - Protios, Buggyboo, Nyceria, Rigal, Fedris and countless others.
We then moved over to Resolve after a while - notable names are Revulva, Yellowfive.
Miss you guys, hope all is going well!
Elwynn, I remember raiding with you. Feel free to add me faiven #0254
@Tancred here - moved from American to Oceanic servers and someone had my name… very sentimental as I recall some wonderful times here 15 years ago, mostly with Requeim. Thank you for the experience Spinebreaker.
@Myzery… /moan
PS. Trying to find a 13 year old email with all the Requeim names
PPS. RIP Arcangel & Crusher…
Hey I remember you, I also raided with redemption. Rogue named Sier