I was a NE Hunter - Katheria < Annex > been so long… In fact never touched my hunter again since BC came out.
I was a human paladin named Cicity most likely in the guild free hugs.
I’m looking for Dragoneye.
Hey guys, I was Vamphuntd, Used to raid in Knowledge, and Vengeance, did some premade PvP with the Night Elf Grand Marshal from Lebanon, cant remember his in game name!
I think you mean Jce? A Human Warrior, also did some premades with him, remember some pugs before…I had a mage at the time, Alatar.
Ëlladan here, - Twink 49 with Silverwing Elites, had tons of fun with my RL brothers (Elrohir - NE Hunter and Felleyn - NE Druid). We had a bunch of group of people, we used to do some World PvP around WSG entrance as well, fun times.
Also played some lvl 60 PVE with my mage, Alatar, as well as some PvP
Gradywhite, Human Priest looking for any old people. I don’t think I joined the server until BC. I think i was also in a guild called at first.
I don’t know if anyone remembers me on the alliance side.
I was Larcatta on Horde in Dawn of Valor
And then rerolled alliance named
Dwarf priest named: holydot
As horde I was Lieutenant General and raided as a main tank.
I miss spinebreaker, great memories here.
Hey all!
I was a NE Druid Named Darts and was in the guild Cratylus and led the guild United We Wipe for a bit.
Got to Rank 10 and was always running flags for a bunch of the old school rank 14’s on their climb.
Miss you guys!
Add me Vespur#1567
Kortex here- ex Marshall - mage in Seraphim
People I remember - Nyxus,Chype,Dhale,Thrakks,Shanki,Timmay,Xy,Flinn,Ruri,Galterd,Iceeman,Elin,Jackalus, Flart,Valequent,Lighten,Logain,Ptath,Sapho,Rushdown, Aramon, Wokafella
Top Guilds I Remember -
Requiem-Seraphim-Annex-Drunken Alliance- Leviathan- Dawn of Valor
His name was Josibros I believe.
I played a night elf druid named Lief! I can remember being in these guilds:
- Requiem
- Order of the Blue Rose
- Knights of the Blue Rose (reformation/merger)
- Angels of Light
Unsure if I will find any of my old peeps on here or not since it has been so long. I played Alliance and my two main characters was a night elf rogue named Splycer and a human warrior named Dorion.
Two of my IRL friends were on Spinebreaker with me. A night elf druid named Kyuneneh and a human warlock named Telvanni.
I’m pretty sure everyone also remembers an undead rogue named Knivesshadows. lol. Curious if he will come back.
Oh I remember you! Wow! Great to see you! I actually think I rolled to seph after I left horde!
Oh my! The great faces in classic
Heartbroken Night Elf Druid
Paradigm or Remnant
Creblain, Mobmagnet, Malfroy, Giigii, Haroldhippo, plenty more
Jonathanz. Night elf rogue.
Best friend was Zxmage, was in Stand Fast for a while.
People i remember: Thranduyl, Lochnar, Knivesshadow, Christoff, Cherryz, Uptou
lol for sure!
Yeh for sure. Mulley#1652 add me
I remember you Cortex.
I also miss Crusherwei joined Requiem from Seraphim; I became close to him in the few months I knew him.
I doubt anyone will remember me since I only played towards the end of classic.
I was Kitinan, Human Priest. (Now a Blood Elf O.O) I think my guild name was Symphony of Destruction commonly shortened to SoD.
People I remember:
- Weirdbeard (Warrior), he was a young guy who played with his Dad. He tanked many Scarlet Monastery raids for me.
- Quarterback (Warlock), he was my summoner on hand while leveling.
- Stewiewonder (Mage), awesome mage, he transferred servers with me for Burning Crusade.
- Rileyriley (Hunter), good hunter that I did lots of end game content with in classic and BC.
Greatest memory was a few days after I hit 60, I joined a PuG Molten Core group, and won the Eye of Divinity, barely knowing what it was for. Other priests in raid were trying to give me a ton of gold for it, but I ended up keeping it. I farmed my Eye of Shadow the following day, and got my Benediction very shortly after. I loved being in greens + Benediction.