Spiders & Arachnophobia

Just started leveling in dragon flight after a long break. I was in “The Mallakh” in the Ohn’ahran plains where there is a cave. Where there are a ton of spiders, I have Arachnophobia but this is the first time it has ever been triggered in wow. The more realistic style of DF made it super difficult to stomach doing the quests there (yea I know quests there are optional). But I think there should be a toggle / replacer for spider npcs. I know this isn’t a real issue for the 99% of the community but I think it would be a nice Quality of life. Also is there an addon that could effectively do this?


I’d say replace them with pictures of Overlord Kotick’s face, but that may unlock a new phobia


Iʻm not actually afraid of spiders but I do get startled when when Iʻm not ready for them.
That being said once when i was chilling somewhere and someone ran by on that giant spider mount just barely off screen, all I saw was a flurry of spidery legs on my screen and i screamed into the discord and caused quite a bit of laughs


I feel like toggles for phobias are a bit excessive. There’s too many to warrant bothering.


Would like a replace Alliance toggle feature as well.



I have a phobia of being poor and low ilvl.
Blizz should address this immediately for my account alone.

end joke


I have a friend who is so deathly afraid of snakes, she cannot hear them or see them without having a massive panic attack. Doesn’t matter if they’re pixelated or in print, movies or real.

We just helped her through stuff where she’d put us on follow and turn off her game sound and we’d help her finish quests or dungeons.

They are not going to put in a toggle for every animal, arachnid and bug in the game that someone may have a phobia of.

No, that would be changing game files, so cannot be a thing.


honestly I think i’d like that XD. But I used one in skyrim that swapped out spider models with wolf models it made the experience alot better for me. I couldnt even get past bleakfalls barrow with it. I was literally paralyzed when the giant spider spawned from the roof.


Oh how I wish, op ,but the devs are lovers of spiders in this game ,so I don’t think they will do that it would take away their fun.

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With you I’ll gladly have a delete button :smiley:

I think a good middle ground would only including a toggle for the more common phobias (like Arachnophobia). Yes, including a toggle for every phobia would be a bit much, because there’s an irrational fear of just about anything under the sun. I mean, for some phobias like Acrophobia, the easiest solution is to stay on the ground. Although, I guess someone at Blizzard might have that, and maybe that was the real reason for WoD not having a WoW staple ability at launch. xD

There are too many phobias to account for them all, I’m afraid.

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I also have arachnophobia and I’m terrified of even the tiniest spiders IRL. Weirdly enough spider in games and movies have no effect on me. That would probably change if there was a vr game with realistic spiders.



Replace all the scary ducks with spiders!


Saw an inch long spider in my house today

I’m looking to buy a new house now.


im sure you hated azjol nerub lol

Spiders and snakes…nuke them from orbit, the only way to be sure.

WoW spiders are so stylized that they’re barely spiders. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

They’re just little bitey noodles.


My kind of girl :smiley: