Spiders & Arachnophobia

That’s me with centipedes.


Conquer your fears, don’t ask people to cater to them.


good that you can recognize that.


I have a couple of hognose, they’re so benign they don’t even bite, just boop you with their nose a bit <3

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The problem with that kind of request is if they allow you to change spiders, ppl will ask that they change everything for every kind of phobia in existence and it’ll get ridiculous. Blizzard would rather pretend that it’s not an issue. However, I could see them only changing spiders.

There are several games that already do this… but it may be too late in WoW?

In the game ‘GROUNDED’ – They have a setting where you can turn all spiders into super robotic clunky geometric looking models to help those with arachnophobia.

Would be a good idea for Blizz to implement such a tactic into WoW. :slight_smile:

Jedi Survivor and Hogwarts Legacy have one too. It’s always funny to see what they get replaced with.

What about people scared of dragons, dogs…trees? Should they get a toggle too?

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Arachnophobia is just more common. It’s that simple. A lot of games already do it. I don’t see the problem.


I wonder if there’s aod for the he Chinese client models on American client blizz… I know in China they replaced spiders and skeleton models with loafs of bread for culture reasons, seems like they could just make a toggle that summons the Chinese phase of Warcraft with no spooky stuff.

I mean why not right? They own the rights to all versions of wow :dracthyr_shrug:

Something i noticed that helped people with fears is to study them. They can still be icky but you would know what youre afraid of instead of just being afraid.

Think of how every horror movie with a monster in it the ones not shown so much are much scarier.

Example im petrified of roaches but after learning some stuff about them now i just violently kill them.


WoW got shut down in China.

Yeah just reuse the maps with replacement models since the work is already done was my suggestion is all lol, surely blizz owns those maps even if they aren’t being used

Toggles are a bit Excessive - sure - But, I’m curious if a WA could be made to prompt a Trigger Warning for areas with known phobias.

For OPs example - they walk into a cave - and a WA pops up somewhere “Trigger Warning for Area: Realistic Spiders”

Or something to the like.

While some may think TWs are unneeded - to those they help - they help a bunch. Cause it gives the individual the fore knowledge of what is coming up in order to be able to make the judgment call themselves and if they are in the right mind space to proceed with the content.


I forget what game it is, but there’s a game with a slider to make the spiders into blobs or lose legs etc due to that. I think they make alternate sounds too.


You see it alo tthese days AAA games that do this: Grounded, Hogwarts Legacy, Jedi Survivor etcetc


I also have arachnophobia. Try and look at it this way: Giant spiders in fantasy games are an inevitability. Look at it as an opportunity to be brave rather than fearful.

I remember the first time I cleared that giant spider cave/nest in Skyrim… I was sweating by the end of it, but I killed every single damn spider in that damn cave.


Ah that’s what it was thank you.

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Wurm Online does it too, I mention this one specifically as it is an MMO released just a couple of years after WoW.

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