So I’m not sure what the deal is here, but I know certain other people have had an issues similar to this.
In that thread, I suggested making a macro similar to:
/cast [talent: 5/2] Holy Avenger
/cast [talent: 5/3] Seraphim
Whereas you would replace the 5/2 with the row and column of the talent you want to use, along with the spell names obviously.
So for your hunter, you could make a macro like this:
/cast [talent: 3/2] Natural Mending
/cast [talent: 3/3] Camouflage
And, for Wailing Arrow, you could just do:
/cast Wailing Arrow
Toss them on your bars, and they should stay on (hopefully!) throughout loading screens and the like.
You can also look into resetting your UI if you haven’t already done so, although that hasn’t seemed to have helped the players in the other thread. Still, it might work out for you.
Good luck!