Every time I zone into an instance or relog, certain talents that are not currently active (I do not have them selected) drop off my action bars. This happens with the following talents: Repentance, Blinding Light, Holy Avenger, and Seraphim. This does NOT happen with the following talents: Final Reckoning, Execution Sentence, Blessing of Sanctuary (PvP talent), and Eye for an Eye.
Last night I resubbed and reinstalled WoW to play the patch. The talents I mentioned, assuming I wasn’t talented into them, were gone from my action bars from the moment I first logged in. This continued to happen after I installed action bar add-ons. I removed these add-ons and reinstalled WoW (again), but the bug continued to occur. I tried to “Rename the Cache, Interface, and WTF folders to CacheOld, InterfaceOld, and WTFOld.” I tried doing “Reset In-Game Options” via the Battle.net app. I tried using the command "/console cvar_default"and relogging, but still this bug persists.
I restored this character last night which had been deleted. I don’t know whether or not that is relevant information.
I am aware that in certain instances, such as arena, your talent selections and changes to your action bars are not saved. That is not what is happening here. Rather, the issue is that certain talents will not stick to my action bars on a simple relog in a major city, or upon entering any instance. The only way e.g. Seraphim will stay on my bars is if I have that talent chosen when I relog or enter an instance. If I have a different talent on the row chosen, Seraphim will be removed from my action bars.
Please help me fix this bug as I cannot have a bunch of talents I often swap between leaping off my bars like a bunch of lemmings every time I do a dungeon or log out or whatever. Thank you!