Certain talents keep disappearing from my action bars

Every time I zone into an instance or relog, certain talents that are not currently active (I do not have them selected) drop off my action bars. This happens with the following talents: Repentance, Blinding Light, Holy Avenger, and Seraphim. This does NOT happen with the following talents: Final Reckoning, Execution Sentence, Blessing of Sanctuary (PvP talent), and Eye for an Eye.

Last night I resubbed and reinstalled WoW to play the patch. The talents I mentioned, assuming I wasn’t talented into them, were gone from my action bars from the moment I first logged in. This continued to happen after I installed action bar add-ons. I removed these add-ons and reinstalled WoW (again), but the bug continued to occur. I tried to “Rename the Cache, Interface, and WTF folders to CacheOld, InterfaceOld, and WTFOld.” I tried doing “Reset In-Game Options” via the Battle.net app. I tried using the command "/console cvar_default"and relogging, but still this bug persists.

I restored this character last night which had been deleted. I don’t know whether or not that is relevant information.

I am aware that in certain instances, such as arena, your talent selections and changes to your action bars are not saved. That is not what is happening here. Rather, the issue is that certain talents will not stick to my action bars on a simple relog in a major city, or upon entering any instance. The only way e.g. Seraphim will stay on my bars is if I have that talent chosen when I relog or enter an instance. If I have a different talent on the row chosen, Seraphim will be removed from my action bars.

Please help me fix this bug as I cannot have a bunch of talents I often swap between leaping off my bars like a bunch of lemmings every time I do a dungeon or log out or whatever. Thank you!



This bug is happening to one of my paladin friends, but not to another one.

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YES! This is happening on my druid as well when switching affinities, the spells that I have on the action bars are being removed. I am using default blizzard action bars as well not an addon if that is helpful. Hopefully gets fixed soon!


I posted this exact same thing in the druid forums, all my affinity abilities that aren’t tied to my current affinity are disappearing off of my toolbar every time I log off, very frustrating. I don’t want to have to put every thing back in my tool bar every single time I log back on, please fix it, Blizz.


This is happening with some hunter abilities too, such as Camouflage and Binding Shot. I posted this bug regarding those here last night.

Can we get a fix on this, Blizz?

Same issue, All affinity talents, Wild charge/renew.

Pulverize has no issue

Still happening to several Ret Paladin talents as of July 2nd. Very frustrating. It’s not just anytime you relog, but anytime you enter an instance.

Can you make a macro, perhaps, in the meantime to bypass the issue?

Something like:

/cast [talent: 5/2] Holy Avenger
/cast [talent: 5/3] Seraphim

It’s possible the macros won’t disappear from your bars, and - as a bonus - the macros will automatically update according to whichever talent you picked for that row. Try it out.


Thank you the reply and macro, Kirbo. I do use that one for some of my spells and it is a great temporary solution. But I want this bug fixed as some of my talent rows are on different hotkeys (the one in your example actually), I like how inactive talents get greyed out, and I don’t want the macro to turn into a big question mark when I choose a passive talent.

Also, all the more casual players are probably wondering right now what the hell is going on with their talents.


Not a problem. I’m glad you found something that works in the meantime, but hopefully Blizz finds a fix for it.

Also, a big big thank you for letting us know about the cvar_default command. That actually fixed some issues I’ve been having for the past… seven years lol

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Would love to a fix to this problem, please!

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Happening to me as well with these priest spells: Inner Light and Shadow and Shining Force.

I’ve created macros to cast these, but the Inner Light macro doesn’t quite work. It lets me cast Inner Light the first time I press it and switch to Inner Shadow the second time I press it, but after that I get the error “Spell not learned” and it won’t cast Inner Light again. When I drag the spell itself from the spellbook to my bar, it works fine.

Bump once again, it’s still going on, my talents still disappear when logging off or going through a load screen.

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Yup still happening…

Still happening…

I now noticed it on my Rogue as well with the talent “Marked for Death”. It disappears when I unselect the talent and switch specs.

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I have this issue as well. What’s odd is it works in one spec, but the button keeps vanished on another spec. I add it back - and it goes away when change specs (and maybe log out) again.

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Yeah it really is annoying, hopefully it gets fixed soon. It would be nice to see it’s at least on their todo list but looking at the amount of bugs posted on the forums it might be a little bit!

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Bump, still needs fixing, Blizz!

I’m also having this issue and it started with 9.1.

So far I’ve isolated it to just the talent rows for level 25 and 30 on multiple classes and the bug only triggers when reloading to a different zone. On my druid I see this for affinity swaps, Wild Charge/Renewal swaps etc.

But I’ve also confirmed it happens on my hunter and my paladin. For instance I have Camouflage keyboard on my hunter, but when switching to a passive talent like Trailblazer and reloading into another zone the keybind on the hotbar depopulates completely. The same thing happens on my paladin when swapping between Blinding Light and Fist of Justice.

For others I’m working around active abilities like Wild Charge/Renewal and Affinity spells with talent conditional macros, but it doesn’t fill all the gaps, especially for swaps between active/passive abilities, loosing the key bind here is not ideal.

I’ve confirmed this happens with all addons disabled.

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