“People COULD have done dungeons back then that way (can maybe the top players did but it didn’t get out) I really don;t care if people choose to level that way…”
Nice wall of text to cover slipping that in there. NO, no they couldn’t have.
It had everything to do with strategy and skill. People aoe pulled mobs before 1.12 as well. You had 2 mages clearing scholomance, skill, clever use of game mechanics and willing to try new things.
Find that hard to believe. And no it’s not clever use of game mechanics and willing to try new things it would have been impossible. Resistances for mobs were lowered so mage frost novas would often be resisted by elites prior to that and you would die because of it. Blizz was smarter back then.
Yes. In 1.12, they certainly could have. Nothing is different except the modern WoW player has had 14 years to learn to recognize opportunities like dungeon cleave. In 14 years we’ve seen so many kinds of “clever uses of mechanics” and other, downright exploitative actions, that as these players go through the game… they are able to develop new ways to approach the old encounters.
You really need to face it… Classic isn’t “hard”, and neither was Vanilla 1.12. The modern player is much more experienced and skilled.
Hell, half of us from Path of Exile have been spending weeks on end theory crafting ways to min max certain class specs in ways that people wouldn’t have even thought of doing 15 years ago.
Poor Alliance AoE farming mages getting insta-gibbed by chain lightning. You ever see a paladin get hit by a storm strike enh shaman then get slapped by a 1400 Chain Lightning crit at from a level 48 ele shaman? It has yet to get old.
Thats the thing. Back then if content was being steamrolled, blizzard made adjustments patch to patch (if not hotfix it asap). They tended to take the risk versus reward mindset seriously.
People play currently, just as they did then, operating under a variety of base assumptions. The base assumptions aren’t always accurate, and in fact many times they’re outright wrong but become popular because someone who has notoriety endorsed it or its just how we always do it or some other nonsense.
Vanilla had lots and lots of bad base assumptions. The amount of Fire Resistance “necessary” to successfully clear MC and BWL is a wonderful example of a bad base assumption. Another is the stupidity of needing to “round out” your stats encouraging people in 1.3 to go for Intellect and Spirit over Spell Power so much that Blizzard felt compelled to buff Spell Power in 1.4 so people would stop passing on the gear.
When you consider the stupidity of a host of strategies applied to raid bosses in just Molten Core, our base assumptions in Vanilla were simply put, stupid as hell. Communication in Vanilla was shoddy at best, no social media to speak of like today, nothing in terms of guides like we have now, and our best repository of theorycrafting was the Elitist Jerks forums and if you look at their Vanilla era work, it is equal parts baseless assumptions and bad math.
We aren’t smarter now, we just have better baseline understandings of the game and how it can be pushed in extremes. Mana conservation doesn’t matter if going OOM can’t happen because you killed the boss super fast. If mana isn’t a restriction anymore then why are we worrying about Spirit and Intellect (beyond crit of course)? Why waste a debuff slot on Thunder Clap or Demoralizing Roar if the Tank never gets killed faster than the Healers can respond, aka WotLK style? And so on and so forth…
People balking at how badly we played 15yrs ago just don’t get how much subtle changes in how group dynamics work over the years entirely invalidates much of the “difficulty” of Vanilla, and therefore Classic.
Point to a Patch Note that changes the resistance formula. It can be calculated down to the last decimal point of likelihood that you will or won’t be resisted when you cast a spell.