Spell Bop needs to go

Lol! Man that is brutal. How do paladins keep getting everything?

They used to be slow. They used to have to choose btw LoH or Bubble. They used to have to be in melee range. And they were still strong despite those.

Are there any weaknesses remaining? It must be that they are so difficult to play right?

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Literally ONLY low burst.

No MS, low mobility, off heals less than a hunter outside of LOH… there’s just a ton of defensive kits that are overtuned and top that off with specs being able to use DCDs offensively like ice block, or rogue cloak…

I rarely see any of the extreme high mobility specs kite or run during bubble or spell bop, and I don’t think searing glare is OP. Getting locked out is worse than being disarmed. I’m not saying rets are bad but there are many other specs that need nerfs first.

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How can you type this with a straight face?

What do you mean

Rogue/Mage can press whatever they want offensively for the past four years because the specs can’t die unlike Ret :dracthyr_a1:

Funny seeing entitled wizards mald at something melee has had to deal with since 2004


No real finishing power. Also lack of mobility which makes us easily controlled.

or paladin bubble. :wink:

I don’t think I’ve seen a ret offensively bubble since the rework when they’d just randomly instakill people

I just meant that it’s possible to do your full offense when you are bubbled. Not like it was in the past when your damage was halved.