Spell Bop needs to go

Random story but I got raged at by a LFG partner for never dispelling Searing Glare when I came back in DF cuz I had no idea what it was. I asked him what it did and he called me a bunch of names and left. Had to google it and ask paladins in duels to use it so I could see what it looked like. Lol

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I’ll just say what nobody wants to say bc people are just cowards and 90% of the people posting here only care about being “op”.

What’s “fun” for some people most of the time is extremely unfun for whoever is on the recieving end.

“nyahh searing glare toxic nyaah”, yes, and having some cerebellum only fury warrior pressing his 2 button rotation while having 6 ways of stoping casts isn’t “toxic” for those who do casters.

Game needs a serious shakeup tbh.

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that’s really unfortunate and is actually a perfect example of why some people feel anxiety queing for pvp in this game, if there were less ppl like that around more ppl would probly que

the way you talk about ret paladin really makes me wonder if you are missing some abilities on your bars. Have you gone through your spellbook

Frozen orb? Huh. I do not pay attention anymore. I’ve not played since beta, which I realized was going down hill for frost mage with the amount of non control frostfire would cause with cleaving, living bomb spreads etc.


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I don’t mind searing glare cause it’s one of the few times the pink class ever opens its tree to get kicked

If you’re blind, how do you know where to direct your shouts, or aoe?

A shout shouldnt have to be directed. Its more
 “To whom it may concern” lol

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Noise travels in a direction. If you’re shouting the opposite way of someone they won’t think you’re yelling at them.

Ya, that’s the guy who said 10.0.7 ret paladin wasnt op and ignored/flamed everyone who disagreed with him.

10.0.7 ret was completely balanced (I hit someone with a 1 mil justicar’s vengeance on the day it released)

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Its literally that easy. Reason why templar is so easily shut down/ignored is because all its damage is Hammer of light.

I mean if you want to cry too about ret Id even find other things on my list over spellwarding but you do you.

Spellwarding into bubble into searing glare is great fun for trolling caster re-rolls. I’m looking at you frost mages.

Rolling the game back to 10.0.7 would save pvp.

Straight to jail!

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Yeah I’d complain about an entire row of healer CDs a second trinket for your healer and double freedom. Every ret comp is like a prot paladin comp. Sanc and sac need to be a choice node and double freedom has to go


Only if the Church of the Holy Light gives me the funds for the commissary. I ain’t eating the kitchen crap!

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Meanwhile, us physical dam doers have to deal with TWO of those

Sure, remove some of those healer cds but let the spec do actual damage? Praying for HoL crits and doing nothing besides it is not very fun tbh.