Spell Bop needs to go

absolutely ridiculous ability.

It either needs to be reduced to 5 seconds and give no forbearance or be purgable.

Really sick of having rets press it and smash my face in while invincible to literally everything we can do to it. They already have bubble for that.


we need to delete searing glare along with it


No you must feel the pain every physical damage melee experiences


It’s coming to hpals near you next season. Enjoy.


You can also spell bop into bubble for 18 seconds of immunity vs wizards with the forb change. Then throw pocket sand in their eyes and blind them as bubble ends for 22 seconds of slaying.

Not saying this is a great idea but it is do-able.


Reason #151 why rets are unkillable.

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At least can purge/steal bop

Yeah, I just played into a lobby where I was seeing double searing glares and it was infuriating. Kick one, take another. cant ground. cant dispel spell bop.

It is just… like. ok.

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Ya hpal/ret together is like “WITH OUR POWERS COMBINED!”


You ground hammer of light and you just win
Plus shift and shield totem. Or just ome tap them.in the opener

Now imagine there’s 2 charges on it and you have the slightest idea how awful hpal lobbies are for physical damage.

It should make it so ret can only use auto attacks on you.

But seriously though, that and BoP (for melee), and divine need to reduce all damage dealt by 90% or not be able to attack through it, just like dispersion, deterrence, ice block, and other similar immunity abilities.

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isnt it dispellable of course healers in shuffle dont dispel anything so yeah but still

Yeah it’s op

Revert the Forbearance change. Need to go back to 30s. Now all Ret just bop then bubble and 10s after bubble LoH. They basically immortal you can play with 1 hand and dont die.

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I could never find anyone to run double paladin in the past. Maybe i can find people now that forbearance has been changed.

Or even better, Ret Prot Hpal. Imagine being simultaneously hit by Ret and Prot Hammer of Light.

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Bubble change is kinda bad.
Hunters healing more than ret and having a million defensives is bad.
Rogues having a million divine shields is bad, really bad.
Too many specs are too tanky tbh.

All of these changes are a consequence of the 2 worst additions to the game: M+ and shuffle.

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Glare, straight up, is the most toxic ability in the game.
How tf does being blinded mean my AoE and shouts miss?? Like were you standing in my shockwave or not?
And intimidating shout misses, does me being blinded make you deaf???

Wtf are we doing here

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The fact that its on like a 20 sec cd and aoe its so stupid. remove it


Love searing glare… Get off my spell. :slight_smile: