Spell Batching, why has it not been removed yet?

Let me understand you’re actually arguing the point that a warlock casting Pyroclasm with stun effect hitting the target. His target is able to stealth and stay stunned in stealth… They need to lower the batching time line on the script as of right now 300-400 is high things shouldn’t take .4 seconds to take into effect.

I remember I used to get frustrated in Counter Spelling a cast with .4 remaining. I used to always think that my Counter Spell failed or it was my ping.

Back in 2005-06 it was normal for me to have ~250ms coming from New Zealand to Blackrock which was US since there were no Oceanic realms. This was back with 256kbps ADSL connection as well.

So apparently the people who think it works the same as it did back then had potato computers and tin-cans attached with string for internet.

The game to me felt much quicker and more responsive back then, but I had a good PC and was on a fast connection.

Like seriously it felt better in 2006 than it does today.

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Spell batching and leeway are two of the ways devs are punishing customers for wanting Classic.


When every other post is about spell batching then ill believe you. Not until then.

lol I played in Vanilla. Several, if not most, of my guild mates played in vanilla. We don’t care. Don’t tell me who to listen to. I played in vanilla and I don’t care. It hasn’t been an issue for me at all.

You guys either weren’t very observant then or lost that skill in 15 years.

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I ambushed a green NPC last night for its full life (one shot) and it still hit me on its way down.
Was it like that in Vanilla?

Numerous things like this had a slight chance to happen in vanilla. It wasn’t all the effing time, though. They need to re-tune this emulated spell-batch


I only feel it when trying to do mass aoe kiting, sometimes an NPC will decide they don’t like the blizzard snare and run right through like it doesn’t exist.

Ehhhhhh, yes and no. It’s a feature meant to FIX a bug, a bug that doesn’t exist because no one is playing on dial up.

In a less harsh way, I agree with the op. Nothing is more infuriating than watching your Tank die as your clutch heal clearly went off and your latency is <10ms.


It’s not a comfortable feature. I am willing to deal with it, but it does seem odd and has screwed me over plenty. I try to charge heals on the main tank just in case only to cancel the cast .5s before it finishes, and sometimes the heal still goes off and effectively wastes my mana.


Double edged sword. Waste precious mana, potentially wipe raid. Miss heal, definitely wipe raid…

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it doesnt take elite skill to land to stuns at once with no artificial batching, just takes dumb luck

every game still has “batching” now which is just another word for server tick rate. they just tick faster

What else could be causing everything from mob agro speeds to feign death to pet behavior to vanish to have issues with delay

Probably the giant well known feature we know is in the game called spell batching. It isn’t an opinion, it’s a fact that many abilities and items are broken right now because of it