Spell batching & other authentic functions

Nope. Either way the ask here is to make the game dumber and lower the pvp skill cap because vanilla had a dumber, lower skill cap.

Let’s just be clear on this.

Well answer me this, how often do you hear of or see people in modern wow talking about how they managed to CC someone at the same time they were CCed. I bet it hasn’t been something you’ve heard of in an extremely long time. Reverting spell batching, allows to you actually time your CC to make someone else waste theirs by making them happen at essentially the same time.


That’s not it at all actually, it seems that you just don’t seem to understand it. Which is fine, I didn’t either until I did research so I will attempt to explain it.

First off, let me just say I do not care if it is in or out as I don’t see this as being as big of an issue as some people like to make it out to be, it will suck but it won’t be “Meta changing” or “game breaking”.

It wasn’t about making it easier for you, it’s about the authenticity of it. Honestly, this hurts you more than it helps you as every time you fight someone they will have a chance to pull off some BS just as much you do on them. Mages for example, they can shatter combo a frostbolt and cone of cold on you in the same nova… This is impossible to replicate without spell batching so this isn’t a case of ‘making it easier’, it’s just removing that feature. Being stunned after you land a fear? Not possible to replicate, this feature is just simply removed. This isn’t ‘dumbing’ anything down or making a certain task easier to do, it just simply removes it. I don’t even think you understand how spell batching works in the slightest you just thinks it’s some system that makes it easier to pvp in lol.


That wasn’t skill in vanilla, it was was when two people happened to try to land CC’s and they happened to randomly end up in the same batch.

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Whatever helps you sleep at night Ziryus.


I actually understand it very well. And have been playing vanilla longer than most people here have been playing wow.

My position is classic can be a better version of vanilla. Vanilla had its flaws and blizzard is in a position to fix its bugs. Spell batching in 2004 wasn’t a conscious game design decision, it was a result of technical limitations and realities of the time.

The ask to recreate 2004 batching is to recreate something that sucks, when we already have better, for the sake of authenticity. And hey, that’s a valid ask.

Let’s just call a spade a spade.

So was the debuff limit. And look, they’re remaking the debuff limit

That’s fine if winning coin tosses is what helps you think you’re skilled more power to you.

The debuff limit was an actual limitation that was balanced around, spell batching is just a random artifact of how the server processed spells.

One was predictable and balanced around the other was just random.

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Yet, even according to your own information, it’s still how the game works today, it’s just done in smaller, impossible to react to increments.



Well your position is wrong, no matter what the subject is then. That’s not their plan for classic as they have stated I don’t know how many times.

The vanilla ‘bugs’ will likely not be in there. Not because they are actively fixing them, but because they are not there based on how they are making the game.

Neither was bank space, or character limits, or graphics and yet… If you’re going to argue against spell batching it’s going to have to be a better one than this. I personally don’t care either way as I will play anyway but if your going to argue something you better have a bulletproof argument.

Once again literally anything can be seen as ‘sucking’ in vanilla. They aren’t recreating this to make it better, they are recreating it to replicate it. You really REALLY need to understand this and accept it.

Alright, you’re a moron.


Perplexity shows just how incredible PvP can be when you have a larger ms forgiveness due to spell batching. Vanishing rocket helms, vanish flag drops and recapture during nova, gouge on blink, fear on blink.

There’s like 10,000 occurrences where it can blow your mind if you are watching carefully.

I think with where technology has lead us, the Vanilla gameplay will just play different. Adjusting the slider back so that people can experience those gimmicks should be a treat for most who enjoy PvP.

Or how about this instance;

Payo’s batch fell just behind the Warlock’s. Instead of landing a kidney and cycling the Warlock, due to dr and batching, the Warlock got off a grenade and fear, resulting in a hilarious clip.

I would completely agree that these are not what was supposed to happen. Payo’s incredulation shows that. But the fact that it CAN happen gives Vanilla PvP a unique onion layer of potential.

Spell batching, regardless of technical adjustments, was something that was fundamental to Vanilla PvP dynamics.

I’ll probably still enjoy Classic either way, but I’m with Williams here.

I think we all can agree to disagree, so keep it on topic and get your gut out of the emotional tirades people. Keep it logical and if you can’t agree with someone, oh well.


Correct, so then you should have no problem with the current system. After all in the old system there was a chance your spells would act exactly the same as they do today.

So what’s the problem?

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Because you and I both know that

  1. With a 10ms batch there is no way anyone will ever have an interaction where they double CC each other.
  2. It’s not how it was in vanilla.
  3. You say it wasn’t predictable and yet provide no evidence it wasn’t, all we have to go is your feelings.

So why should we take your feelings over what is an authentic experience?

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Removing spell batching actually increases the skill cap in pvp as you can’t rely on randomness giving you a favorable outcome.

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The experience is already going to be not authentic for any number of reasons, the question is should the experience be enjoyable as authentic is impossible.

A few background and ui changes like B-net integration that don’t effect are one thing. This is something that effects gameplay. This should be put back in because it effects gameplay.


You realize that 400ms batching raises the skillcap, right? Rather than gameplay relying on twitch inputs as to whoever can get off their interupt/cc first, it becomes strategic. A question for you is do you think there was no skill in pvp from vanilla until WoD?

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There is no randomness. The server ticks at the same 400ms rate for everyone. Players can monitor server ticks to know exactly what will happen, as opposed to current WoW being purely dependent on your ping versus your opponent’s ping.


No it doesn’t, it becomes a coin toss about what batch your spell will end up in. You have no visibility to when batches are processing or what your exact lag to the server is, IE there’s a huge random factor.

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