Spell Batching in Classic

This system was only used back then cause they knew players would have really high latency (i.e. upwards of 200-350ms) but everyone now averages 45ms which makes the system pretty useless and exploited in some ways.

Where is your evidence that this system was used because of high player latency? It wasn’t changed until the very end of 2014, if your theory is correct, why didn’t they change it earlier?

Because your theory is not correct. It took them a lot of time and effort to get the batches as low as possible. It was an engineering problem, not a design decision (just like the original debuff cap).

There was a Blizzard post about on it the 3/28/2019 you check wowhead for the information, it literally explains how it works and even links a Blue post.

Spell Batching refers to how the WoW servers process incoming interactions. Instead of processing everything immediately, the server creates batches of actions (attacks, buffs, debuffs, etc) in order to process them all together.

In the past, back when servers had less computing power than phones nowadays have, these windows could be very large, with some games having up to 200ms windows of batching, including WoW. With better technology and servers, this system was improved over the years and, while it still exists, and effects from it can still be seen, the windows are much smaller, being 20ms wide for abilities in retail WoW.


Alright, so you’ve moved the goalpost from bad internet to bad computers.

Batching pre-WoD and in Classic is done in 400ms batches.

Less than that actually.

Actually no… everything I posted below me telling you where to find the information is actually taken from that article and dev post. So you telling me I’m wrong is telling Blizzard they are wrong.

And no… the batching was done in 200ms during Vanilla “because of high latency”

You are wrong.



ctrl-f and search 400ms.

Why do people lie when google exists?


Cause some people like you don’t know how to google wowhead and spell batching when it was mentioned over 2-3 posts ago.

I think perhaps you should actually instead of saying “your wrong” try and provide some actual feedback or some actual information that you, yourself can’t provide.

Where does that article confirm ANY of what you’ve been saying? This is some serious confirmation bias you’re displaying my man.

Did you ignore the links I posted? Of course you did. I’m not here to argue but when you claim something and post exactly zero evidence while ignoring the indisputable evidence I’ve provided, I’m gonna get a little bit sassy.

Activi$ion made the management decision to make port Vanilla to the Legion client in order to have compatibility with the Bnet API, rather than alter the Vanilla client to include Bnet API functionality. This royally screwed the game mechanics and feel of Classic. Bli$$ard then proceeded to lie to the entire community regarding the massive quantity of bugs present due to this port and refused to fix most of them. Thanks, Bli$$ard. I’m glad your trash attempt at emulating batching leads to nonsense like watching my heal go off while simultaneously eating a holy school lockout. This was likely possible in Vanilla, but it was so vanishingly rare that I never encountered it. It’s actually tragic that a company I once respected has stooped to this level of greed and blatant pathological lying. Classic is a disgusting cash grab that was designed to abusively take advantage of the good will of the community and the desire to relive the game that originally brought us to Azeroth.

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I don’t mean to interrupt your excessive disdain filled post towards Blizzard but you do realize they implemented 400ms Vanilla batching because the community asked for it, right?

Like, I have no idea how you can tie in corporate greed with Spell Batching…

Blizzard wouldn’t have had to emulate batching artificially had they used the actual Vanilla client.


Oh no, you’re not actually going to sit here and try to play off the batching as “artificial”, are you? This is just some bizarre excuse people have made so they don’t have to go back and say “Oh dang, Spell Batching sucks, I was wrong.”

The best way to get Blizzard to remove this system they KNOW is functioning correctly, is to admit that it sucks and kindly ask them to revert the batch system to Modern levels.

Accusing Blizzard of getting it wrong when they know or at least think they have it right isn’t going to accomplish anything. You’re not going to improve the state of things like that.

Here’s the video I usually use to display just how terrible batching was in Vanilla:

There’s plenty more where that came from. There was even a post recently from someone complaining about the delay when buying items from vendors. They swore it wasn’t like that in Vanilla and came back to their thread to apologize after finding old videos of Johanna buying arrows from a vendor with the exact same delay we have on Classic.

The whole client is artificial. Are you just going to conveniently ignore the fact that Classic is a badly ported version of Vanilla running on a Legion client? Or are you just unaware of the actual code base of the game we are playing?

It’s akin to gutting a new market car, then rebuilding it with 70’s parts (some of which you can’t find anymore) in order to use the newer audio system, then marketing it as “vintage”. Meanwhile, there’s a fully functional 70’s vehicle sitting in your garage, in which you could install a new audio system should you so choose.

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There has been zero evidence posted that proves batching isn’t functioning correctly. Every time Blizzard says something people want to hear, they agree. Every time Blizzard says something is working properly and people don’t like it, out come the excuses.

Here’s a good example of leeway in that same video too:

Look at that HUGE melee range, dang. There’s so many people claiming leeway wasn’t a thing and it’s just hilarious to see. Leeway has always existed, and still exists in BfA today, rofl.

Spell Batching is functioning 100% like it did in Vanilla.

Find me a video of someone in Vanilla getting CS’d out of a spell school after the spell went off and I’ll agree with you. As it is, you keep ignoring the reality of the code that Classic is running on and refuse to address that they trashed a fully functional Vanilla client because they were more concerned with making players look at the shiny Shadow Lands ads while they are patching /launching the game.


Thank you for posting this video. It shows how scuffed spell batching is. Right now it takes several blizzard ticks for it to register. So this is helpful to show that it isn’t working properly.

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It’s functioning exactly like it did in Vanilla. Show me a video from Classic where it takes longer than this for the snare to apply. Notice the mob that made it all the way to the Mage without even being snared?

Spell Batching is working as intended, it doesn’t matter how much ignorance people feign.

He made it through because he resisted the nova.

Notice in this video it takes a tick of blizzard before the damage starts, while in your linked video it starts immediately?

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Dude, the tick of damage starts at the exact same time. Look at the Blizzard animation, time it if you must, it’s exactly the same.

Here’s a video of Johanna selling items to a vendor, look at that amazing Vanilla Spell Batching delay on vendor transactions:

Timestamp of my video:

Timestamp of yours:

Exactly the same, I really don’t see how you can deny that.

It’s interesting to see all the happy posts at the top and the angry ones at the bottom. lol

Is this spell batching the reason I get an hour long cooldown on my lay of hands despite it not registering on the person because they died right before it “laid on”?