Spell Batching in Classic

I love you, classic wow team

What does trivia have to do with anything?

Changing the game so heals that go off and the target of the heal doesn’t die anyway isn’t really that big an issue. It’s not like asking for a complete reversal of the decision of spell batching.

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Worrying about this sort of thing is pure trivia. The game is fun whether things work perfectly or now. Worrying about this is like worrying about the Mage Blink that sometimes fails. It’s trivia. Relax and work around it. It’s just a game.

Do you mean trivial? Cause that’s the context you’re using it in so I will assume that.

I never claimed the game wasn’t fun.

Not quite. The main difference is when the mage’s blink fails, it’s only the mage that suffers for it. When a healer’s spell goes off but the tank dies anyway, the whole group suffers for it.

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It’s not, that’s the point. Numerous people have come out saying the way it affected healing was not fun and they dread having to deal with it again.

Even something like what I read somewhere earlier sounds like it needs to be addressed - you successfully silence someone and lock them out of that school of magic, but they cast at the same time, thus nullifying your silence. Sort of wastes the silence. That just feels like RNG and not skill or strategy.

Oh, the humanity!!!

What a load.

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So do you have an actual argument against it? Or are you just going to flail like a toddler?


No arguments are required.

Spell batching will be in the game, and you don’t get to cherry pick which spells it affects.

Thanks again Classic team.


I love the sound of this.


The little imperfections help make nostalgia sweeter.

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I hadn’t even considered this. So glad to see that the developers are thinking about things like this - just a bit more authenticity!

Speaking as someone who previously didn’t care overmuch whether this made it in or not, I’m still kinda glad it did. :slight_smile: Keep up the good work, Blizz!

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Havent been on forums in a long time but reading all these tiny updates is rekindling my interest again. Thank you for all these updates!

You do realize that this is not how it works?

Let me explain simple math. Lets say that batch 1 has a killing blow, a /death and also a heal. They all go off at the same time, there is no priority. But the thing is even if there is a heal in this batch, the action /death is still there. Therefor, your heal, heals, but the target still dies. It does no cancel the /death.

This is do-able, but it is exactly the opposite of what spell batches is used for.
Even now in retail, this does not happen. If a frostbolt is on the way to its target but it dies before the frostbolt animation hit… IT WONT RETURN YOUR MANA SPENT!

I suggest you don’t play classic, you will only ragequit and/or use unnecessary forum space only to steam off and cry.

Please do us all classic lovers a favor and stay on Retail.

:eyes: Yikes

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LOVE. :heart_eyes:

No priority huh?

I suggest you read blue posts before being a jerk. At least you’ll be an informed jerk.

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The game was designed that way and Classic should be the way it was. Simple.

If you dont want to risk healing dead tanks, knowing what you know, you simply shouldnt let it come to that. Get “creative” (tip: you can heal a little sooner for example – elusive, I know).

Or in short:
L2P and enjoy a better system.


If it was a better system/mechanically better they would of never changed it in the first place or the community would of said something after all these years.

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