Speed-Run GO-GO-GO Players. What's The Point?

And…that’s exactly what happens when one member of the pug charges off killing the last boss before the rest of the group even has a chance to react. At that point the rest of the group had no say or choice other then to collect whatever loot dropped. And disperse.

And yes we are solely talking about random groups in dungeon finder (Pugs). So when people fall into a group with random strangers with a speed-runner, there is no choice.

Of course if your playing with friends that’s not the case. But here, in this thread we are not talking about playing with friends. We are talking about random pugs.

If people are queuing for a pug its obvious they don’t have friends in game to play with.

One example??? I have seen hundreds of these zoomers in DF. Not just talking about tanks, but also most are Fury warriors and Monks. Who run ahead of the tank. Some even boasting about how good they. One guy made his level 11 twink with a name similar to
“Dungmaster” or some such silliness. That’s pure ego. Then he put up a readiness check and everyone left.

So yes. After looking back on these incidents and reading the replies in this post. My opinion is that a good number of these zoomers are driven by pure ego. Think about it. Why else would a person in a leveling dungeon make a level 11 twink with locked exp?

seen here is another example of GD struggling to understand that people sometimes just enjoy things

Care to elaborate?

This here is the real question that everyone wants to know:

Why in the name of all that’s holy did Disney destroy the Star Wars franchise?

This is clearly not true and anyone who actually plays the game would know that. There are plenty of times where someone would go into a pug who have friends in the game.

Huh? Friends pugs? What in blazes. Who cares about that? Just answer the freaking question then. Why did Disney destroy the Star Wars franchise? Go ahead answer me that smarty pants.

(post deleted by author)

Same reason. In Wrath, you had 2-3 dungeons every new major patch that dropped the best dungeon gear and badges for that tier, and people had to farm them.

The second you have any type of farming required in the game this will happen.

I’ve agreed with you on this point, multiple times now. What you refuse to acknowledge is that it can go both ways. A person who wants to go slower than the rest of the group can also hijack the group, and it’s just as wrong for them to do so. It may be less common, but conceptually there is no difference. If you refuse to acknowledge this so you can retain that only your side can be the victim, then there’s nothing else for us to discuss.

I was not referring to you having encountered it only one time. I was referring to you using one example of someone you talked with on the forum to assign the motivation for every “zoomer.” You can’t possibly know the motivation of someone who simply takes off as soon as they zone in. I’m sure some are doing so because of ego, but you can’t know that with certainty.

You’re moving the goal posts here. Let me remind you what you said:

You assert you’ve determined the truth about people who zoom ahead. You’re calling the people who talk about wanting to level fast liars, and you’re implicating everyone who has run fast in your dungeons of doing the same as well. While I’m 100% certain you are right with some portion of the players you have encountered who play this way, you unequivocally cannot possibly know this to be true about even the majority of them, much less all of them.

Somehow I doubt you’ll actually give any credit to alternative explanations. You’ve found your nail and are choosing to be a hammer.

But there are two other very quick explanations that come to mind:

  1. They are farming Timewalking badges or the mount. Having a level 11 twink (usually a fury warrior) is simply the fastest way to burn through Timewalking dungeons. If you want to maximize your badges and/or minimize the time it takes you to see rare drops, speed is valuable.
  2. Fun. I’m sure you can reduce this to ego if you want, but just being more powerful than the enemies can be the reason players do it, without them having any feeling of superiority over other players.

Yes, but my point is that it’s a wider net than simply M+, even today. I don’t dispute that people being bored by the M+ selection could contribute to players looking for some other form of entertainment in the game, and that entertainment could include blowing up trivial content (trivial for them). Just that pointing the finger solely at M+ for the reason is misleading at best.

Well :clap: The point would be:

  • Quick Levelling
  • Quick Currency
  • Time — Given people have lives they want to get back to – or other things in the game they’d be rather doing once they finish grabbing what they need from the instance(s) and such.
  • Because sometimes it’s fun to nuke everything fast? :eyes:
    Although with that being said, they shouldn’t do such at the expense or abuse of the healer or others trying to keep up.
  • And sometimes because there’s FOMO content and they’re trying to squeeze in a list of things in the grand totality of it all and some get mad anxiety about everything to an overwhelming point — Feeling like they have to zerg rush it in order to accomplish their goals.

Additionally like others have pointed out, they may have done the dungeon a bucket load of times before and simply want to complete the instance to grab either their exp, cache, loot or currency etc and peace out. :person_shrugging:

What you are failing to understand is that this issue is a one-way street. If a zoomer charges through a dungeon pulling all the mobs and bosses with him. All the rest of the group can do is follow lamely behind him trying to catch-up.

But if a person who does not want to speed run a dungeon see’s the zoomer chage-off. There is nothing that can be done. You can complain via the chat window. But these guys don’t care. You can stand there and not follow the zoomer. But they don’t care. You can vote to kick. But that probably won’t happen. None of what I stated has any effect.

So the zoomer can affect how the dungeon is run. But people that don’t want this type of speed run have no viable option. Ending with the zoomers having full control and the rest of the group having no say or affective way to stop the zoomer. How is that fair?

You are on the right track here. The question is complicated by WoW being a big tent with a diverse player base. We don’t all want or enjoy the same things. Most successful change they ever made to keep dungeons fun and replayable was M+. I say this because it’s objectively true that M+ has engaged a lot of players and built a culture that mostly focuses on dungeons as their endgame. They rotate the dungeon pool and use affixes to provide variety. And it scales indefinitely, so any player can find their own level of challenge and progress from there.

Not every player, however, is looking for challenging content, and some don’t enjoy the timer, so Blizz tries other features for them, like delves and TW.

Some people are only happy when they’re complaining, and rose-colored glasses are always in fashion on forums. Worst expansion, worst dungeon pool, is always the current one. But it will magically become better once we are reflecting on it a few years from now. :sweat_smile:

When you sign up for group of random strangers, you are asking for random experience. Maybe you’ll get zoomers or maybe you’ll get plodding tank who’s nervous about what to do. Maybe one or more players will be afk. Some will actually try, even if clueless, and some are going through the motions. And chances are, you won’t all want the same things. Expecting 4 random people to all do things your way is asking for disappointment.

Blizzard would rather we played with friends. They give us tools to find and make friends. It’s not their fault if people insist on random queues. If you don’t want to make friends, then Group Finder allows you to describe exactly the experience you want and maybe others will want the same, e.g., “TW for weekly full clears no rush” or whatever.

OR you can relax your expectations, sign up for randomness, and be happy go lucky about what you get. :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face:

I have formed an opinion. Like Everyone on this forum, we make all sorts of assertions. These are all a mix of supposition, theory, conjecture, biased leanings, and just plain personal opinion. Based of our personal experiences in the game and of reading other forum posters opinions.

None of the opinions presented here have empirical data to support it. There is no absolute truth. There is no reason to take anything anyone in here says too seriously. It’s all simple banter by a bunch of strangers.

At this point you have to be deliberately ignoring the actual other side I am talking about.

When someone rushes ahead, that’s just one side. What I’m referring to is if the entire group wants to go fast and the tank elects to go slow. The tank in that scenario has just as much culpability as the “zoomer” in the examples you keep bringing up.

Again, goes both ways here.

But as far as an actual solution, I have told you numerous times what the solution is. Stop expecting random players to play the way you want. If you want to play at a certain pace, find like-minded people to play with. If you still want to PUG and someone rushes ahead, use the vote to kick; if it fails, then perhaps you are in the minority.

Yet you presented your opinion as the truth; you used those words exactly, I’m not paraphrasing.

I said this is what I think as the cause of the situation. That’s just my personal opinion.