Speed-Run GO-GO-GO Players. What's The Point?

It’s a mish-mash of all the things different players have enjoyed and lobbied for over the years. Like how we still debate in forums whether any race should be able to be any class. Because some of us are still tied to our old D&D mindsets (I grew up playing D&D tabletop) and want there to be a cohesive world with cultures and lore, while others mostly care about novelty and looking cool on screen. Not saying liking either makes someone a bad person, only that we don’t all have the same priorities. WoW has become a BIG tent, with developers at Blizz always seeking balance to keep most of us happy.

In a pug without comms, I don’t mind if healer pulls more, because they know whether they can handle it. In M+ with friends in comms, my favorite healer sometimes whispers sweet nothings in my ear like “You can pull more if you like” and “You could tag in that pack too”… He knows how to make me happy. :smiley:

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In my perfect WoW (hard to pull off), I would be able to level new alts through any and all the old xpacs like it was when current content, sort of Chromie-Time-Classic, then have them arrive in current expansion with my other characters at max level. Maybe someday Blizz will have practical way to pull this off.

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Yes, yours was very much so. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself now.

If you are running with random players, don’t expect them all to cater to your preferences. If it is stopping to smell the roses you seek, bring like minded friends, or if these are DF/TWW dungeons, run them with NPCs.

So what we need now is to throw out all the old leveling dungeons and create all new dungeons with a more dynamic construction. That will be brand new and inspiring to be played. Using cars as an example: It would be like replacing that old beat-up Toyota Camry you drive with a brand new Lamborghini.

But, ok. That might be complicated. So how about just providing free character boosts for anyone who wants them. I mean that would solve the problem immediately.

Or…how about this! Forget character boosts free or paid. Just allow players when they are creating new characters to have an option on the character creation screen to make the character max level from inception. Bliz has done this to a degree with some class. Just make it across the board now.

Like, wouldn’t that make millions of players happy?

You want the op to find friends to game with in Wow!? How’s he gonna do that? If the forum members are representative of the general game’s population, then that’s an impossibility!

That is a great suggestion. But lets be real here. The entire reason most people play mmorpgs is to play in an invironement with other players. Otherwise he might as well be playing Mass Effect, or The Witcher. Single player games.


Just offering suggestions/alternatives. They are free to do whatever they want with the information they are given.

I do appreciate your suggestions for the op. Just saying.

I know they won’t be heard by the person I made those suggestions to, but oh well.

Never heard this idea before, interesting

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When I would heal I would always tell the tank to just keep zerg rushing unless I said stop. I rarely did. Keeps it quick and with no dead periods where I can sit and think about my life choices.

Same when I tanked. I always said if keep pulling until the healer said to wait.

As dps, dungeons aren’t mythic+ or raids. Only time you should need party to stop is because you died maybe.

Idk, just my 2 cents

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In my experience, they are not. Most of my in-game friends scoff at forums and wonder why I bother to interact here. They see this as bunch of complainers and see little value in ever visiting. They’d rather use their limited leisure time to actually play the game.

So anyways I just started blasting…

WoW has slowly become a grindy job, not an actual game. So people don’t play the dungeons, they grind them. That is because Blizzard has done away with jumps in gaining things and dummed it down to just grinding bit by bit, and has completely destroyed any challenge in 5 man content except for mythics, which relies on rotations of add ons rather than actual mechanics for challenges, and gear checks instead of real mechanics.

In short Blizzard made wow a grind to keep people subscribed as long as possible and that translates into people wanting to get dungeons over instead of experiencing and playing them.

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For you. For me it’s still a game.

Yeah, that’s why dungeons in Classic and TBC were always relevant for gearing and never dropped crafting materials or currency to buy items that were relevant for end-game players.

Congrats on figuring out how opinions work.

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Agree. I think there is a time and place for Slow Dungeons but IMO with WOW there really isn’t much reason to not go quick (in retail).

The caveat though; if your dying then it is to much.

Yep, agreed. You stated yours as fact, but I get that “my opinion” is understood. But when someone states something as objective fact, and it’s something I disagree with, I usually comment with my own take. WoW is a big tent, and we don’t all like the same things or approach the game with same mindset.