I got an easy solution. Put speed-bumps in every dungeon. Like every few rooms put a powerful mob that can one-shot players. Like the wolves in Hellfire Ramparts Dungeon. That seemed to be a glitch. But it stopped the group cold when the tank got one-shotted and then the rest of the group. That slowed the group down a lot. They should enable that for all dungeons. And yeah, I already know you speed-racers ain’t gonna like that. But the rest of us will be extremely pleased.
That’s just invisible walls with extra steps. Also that’s not going to work because what’s a speed bump to a more experienced / good player is just going to be a brick wall to someone else.
If you don’t like it roll your own tank, seriously there is an answer to all these types of complaints.
Make your own tank.
Make your own group.
I once had a group recently where someone asked me to pull all the bosses because they had a quest to complete. Normally I would just speed run anything that can be speed ran and skip any bosses I can, but they asked nicely so I pulled all the bosses for them and gasp, no one complained.
I’ve seen every dungeon in this game 10000000000 times now, I don’t need to stop and smell the roses, the content does not change, why should I stop if it’s the same thing, again.
Oh, now, I can answer that question. Because you’re so addicted to Wow, That you continue running Wow’s treadmill like a gerbil. Repeating the same old, same old. You rush through the dungeons because you can’t stand doing it anymore. So instead of doing some thing else that will be more engaging, exciting, and refreshing. You content yourselves by doing the familiar thing, Running the gerbil treadmill. You fool yourselves into thinking if you run faster you’ll reach nirvana. But you don’t even realize that you are running to get to the same place. The same place you have been locked into for 20 years.
Yep, you are running to get nowhere fast.
All the content, like you said is recycled. It’s like telling your pet gerbil, “hey buddy, Here’s a great new treadmill for you to run,” But it’s the same old treadmill with a new coat of paint. And it’s still a treadmill.
That’s what Blizz does with expansions; “hey buddy, here’s new stuff.” But it’s just a rehashing, slight remodeling, re-texturing. Of the old content.
Blizz counts on Players gullibility, nostalgia, and addiction. Plus the players fear of breaking the loop. To stay in business.
M+ is fun because it challenges you and forces you to rush to learn to go fast all the time learning dungeons ahead of time. Deaths=time lost. And it’s where you can gear fast my warrior which I started working on again last week is 621 already
Sorry I’m not a dnd rper like some are on moonguard. I like hard modes wow levelling and normals are too easy to be fun and I did it organically a long time ago. You can’t close Pandora’s box
I have fun going fast. The faster and cleaner I can do a thing the more fun it is. Being able to survive massive pulls thus reducing the required pulls is rewarding and big numbers