Speed-Run GO-GO-GO Players. What's The Point?

I asked about the end game loop, not leveling.

You can still level through zones, quests , and stories today.

The translation is they want the leveling to occupy more of their time again. You probably know this, though.

Yes but the person I was originally responding to specifically was referring to the end game loop being repetitive.

It’s why I was focusing on that with my response.

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Blizzard offers several options to avoid running with twinks:

  1. Form your own group with like minded players.
  2. Use the vote kick feature. If two other group members agree, the twink will be removed.
  3. Simply wait out the run. You’ll still receive the end of dungeon rewards, XP, and loot. They are generally less than 5 minutes long.

I don’t think that’s the case at all. Personally, I rarely see twinks in my runs (unless I’m the twink). Of course, my experience is anecdotal, and yours may be different.

When you join a RANDOM queue, you’re choosing the convenience and speed of matchmaking, over the hassle of forming your own group. However, since it is RANDOM, not everyone in that queue will share your playstyle or preferences. That’s the trade off you agree to when using a RANDOM queue.

If you’d like more control over your group’s dynamics, Blizzard provides tools to help you achieve that. Create your own group or use the vote kick system to remove players who don’t fit your playstyle.

Edit to fix some spelling/grammar mistakes.

The point is to go go go through the boring low level dungeons we’ve all done 17million times so we can reach end game and go go go through max lvl M+ that we’ve also all done 17 million times. Duh.

Because the reward of finishing the instance is greater than killing everything when leveling.

Duh is right is right. No point in going slow. End boss / dungeon clear, exp, money that’s what it’s all about. I just created a twink character in retail and am having a blast running leveling dungeon as fast as I can. I don’t care what other people think. I don’t care how other people want to run the dungeon. All I care about is doing what I want to do. If other people in the group don’t like it, too bad, kick me. lol

What you talking about. I get so much pleasure in killing everything that moves in a dungeon I don’t know what to do with myself. Murdering masses of mobs is my joy in wow. Yeh loot, cash, exp is part of it. but thats just a small part. I love wow and twinking because it give me the ability to murder mobs in mass. Kill kill kill, yeeha!

Go play some other game. Your type of namby pamby carebear has no place in wow. Try mario brothers games, or my little pony or something. Or play cards at home, guess ya don’t have friends, so try solitaire. Otherwise stay out of my dungeons, wimpy.

Things have changed over the years as far as gameply. The truth be told. Some dungeons are run by zoom zoomers, and some dungeons are run at a moderate rate. Each random dungeon group is different. The thing to do is just take each dungeon run in stride.

Objectively for me, those were great times in this game.

People don’t speedrun… except for the people who speedrun. 🫨

One could argue that the situation is people who want to play slow found a place where others agree and do so. Just like they could do in retail if they could muster up the effort to do more than hit the queue button.

What you’re talking about and genuine speedrunning often come from the same place.

A will to optimize.

No what makes players play dungeons the way they do is a consequence of the game design. If there was a threat of overpulling killing the tank you’d be damn skippy that you wouldn’t see tanks constantly moving and chain pulling everything in sight.

The reason I bring up dedicated speedrun groups in classic as an exception is because you have no hope of ending up in a speedrun group by accident. Everyone in that group knows why they are there and what they’re doing well ahead of time.

I saw a really good response that before you moved at a reasonably slowish pace and if you wanted to go a lot faster you joined a dedicated group. Now it is the exact opposite. If you want to move at a reasonable pace you have to find a dedicated group for that.

Trying to join a dungeon finder group at present takes a long time as it is. Trying to find a dedicated group will take forever. How this could be fixed I don’t know. But I hope Bliz does something to improve it.

If you know what you can pull, there is no threat. You pull what you can and move at pace.

This is not mutually exclusive with what I said. It can be both. It is both.

Which is FINE.

I am not suggesting to bring back drinking water between pulls.

It’s what the thread is complaining about.

If you don’t want to go fast there is follower dungeons…… problem solved we have seen the old 5 mans many many many times the goal is in and out as fast as possible

The follower dungeons are restricted to max level players from what I understand which means you can’t use it to do regular dungeons. The only dungeons you can do is dragonflight ones. Also you get less exp, and the loot drops are not guaranteed.

Blizzard just needs to add follower dungeons to every dungeon in the game. That would help I guess. Although the sad thing is that people play mmorpgs to play with other people. Shame people who don’t want to race through a dungeon are being forced to play with bots.