Speed-Run GO-GO-GO Players. What's The Point?

Assuming people have even slightly below average gear at 80, or low level, there’s very little times the group will be in actual danger and wait for the healer to catch-up on healing/mana.

Combine that with most players doing the dungeons countless times due to leveling alts, you get the go-go-go mentality.

This doesn’t go away until Mythic+ really. Even then there’s some still there, but with the timer that will always be an aspect.

I wouldn’t say that bad, but there is some lost luster fo sho. I’ve only been leveling alts lately and I like to dip into the old zones. It’s a nice chill time :joy:

Oh please, spare me the virtue signaling, people don’t want to purposefully take things slow, because by the time you finish 1 dungeon I could have done 3.

Nobody likes playing with people that are slow as balls.

Taking things way too slow is just a sign of a bad player, and despite the virtue signaling from certain people, nobody actually enjoys playing with bad players that struggle to do anything.

Also let’s be real what we are talking about here is anything not m+, so basically easy af content, m+ already puts you in a position where you must go at least at a sustained pace, unless you’re literally there to waste people time and not time the key, but I’m supposed to believe that you have some kind of moral high ground? While you’re ruining the progress that another person made, do you seriously believe that the person who put their time and key in the line is happy that it was depleted because you decided that you wanted to take the dungeon “at your own pace”? Which translated means slow as molasses.

So seriously wtf is this discussion?

We are literally talking about the easiest content in the game, and you’re sitting here talking about how it doesn’t end well if a DPS so much as pulls an extra pack that they can probably deal with themselves as long as they are not complete garbage? Like dude get real.

This is basically just people trying to justify being terrible players to themselves, if you’re a good player going fast is simply the natural progression of completing content, and no it’s not because gen z lack of attention span or some bs excuse that you come up with, it’s because destroying content with massive DPS and a properly coordinated group is fun, and results in a fast run, shocker I know, people who are better tend to compete content faster. Are you gonna tell me that the earth is round next time?

I, as an experienced player, simply know not to play with other other players.

But how are we supposed to get new players hooked onto the experience of partying with other players if the experience of partying is so miserable?

I’m gonna be honest, the players whose only goal is to skip playing the game are not a group to be catered to. The whole game should be fun to play.

If the design is intended for players to skip the content, then it shouldn’t be in the game at all. Just straight up remove it.

So we should make it good.

You are the one that’s virtue signaling. I am shocked by your lack of awareness of Wow’s progression system. If you would put aside your Elitist rhetoric. You would know that the leveling dungeons are called “Leveling Dungeons” because that’s exactly what they are.
These particular dungeons is where all of us learned to play our class. All new players to Wow go through the same process until they reach max level and end content. This is where the player navigates the learning curve and starts to understand the mechanics of the game and the roles of the various other classes in group play.

Of course these new players are going to make mistakes, of course even old players trying out a new class are going to make mistakes. So just because some 20 year Wow players and some people with an impatient bent decide for everyone else that the dungeons should be speed-run, it doesn’t make it a good thing. This type of frantic game-play mentality is what is chasing away brand new players to Wow. As well as many veteran players who dislike this type of game-play. And then we wonder why Wow is loosing so many new players.

As a result, the new player as well as the veteran player trying to learn their new class end up being carried along in this torrent of speed-ran leveling dungeons by Twinks. And get to max level having learned nothing about their class, or real group-play. And are left facing high-end max level content having learned nothing.

The RPG element of the game has been thrown out. Along with the learning curve. Thanks a lot hot-shot Twinks


Yeah, Leveling dungeons feel more like a Roll-A-Derby match these days. I bet Blizzard will keep encouraging this nonsense. What’s next Blizz you gonna have participants in dungeons equip rocket-boots so they can jet through the dungeons next?

Na, next Blizzard is gonna place a dungeon finder auto-resolve button with fast results. But the speedrunners will complain that the auto-resolve button takes too long because it shows results in 5 seconds. Oh my, my, my. It’s wasting there precious time.

Why play WoW if you want to pull 1 mob at time and make a 10 minute dungeon turn into a hour dungeon. Why not go to classic where all the other slow players go.
Like i understand fast game hard but most the players dont want to waste more time on something that shouldnt take that long.
So if anything your post is very selfish and shows a lack of care for the other players or your lack of skill due to whatever reason (which is fine just dont make posts or get angry you arent able to do what others do)

The people going fast aren’t the ones complaining

The people going fast are complaining about the people who want to go slower. If you read all the posts what emerges is a poster who asked the question “Why do some people want to rush through a dungeon.” My guess is the OP is talking about leveling dungeons.
Then you get people asking; “why not?” And those that advocate for the median rate of speed in a dungeon run. If you remove the extremists you end up with the opinion that dungeon runs should be of a median rate as intended.

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Gonna try to find all the threads started by people complaining about people who go slow.

Ok I am back. Couldn’t find any.

Try harder, If you pull data for the last year it’s going to take more than a few seconds.

Yes, but the median rate would still be going fast.

You cannot say that without looking at all the accumulated statistical data. Well I guess you can say it, since you did, but it would be incorrect.


You got to say similar things.

This must mean you have that data. Are you willing to share?

Who me? Nah, I’m just a average grunt like you. Just spouting off in the forum.

I care what the average good is for all players. Moving at an average rate of speed easy leveling dungeons take about 20 minutes. Harder dungeons can take from 30 to 45 minutes. When any dungeon is cleared in 5 minutes, something is wrong.

You know nothing about what my skills are so stop casting aspersions.

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No im not, im not the one talking about “the 6 types of players” and making an argument about how they are so bad because they don’t play like i want.

Im simply doing a rebuttal.

But if that’s what you wanna tell yourself… Be my guest.

As far as your point about “learning nothing” we all started like that, there are people who expect knowledge and skills to fall down on their lap and people who actually learned, you seem to be the first type, where you just expect people to teach you in game while playing content, and you don’t do a second of self analysis and realize that people might not wanna play with others who are just not doing things correctly. But how am i supposed to learn if i don’t do content? I don’t know mate, the same way every good player learned? There are dummies, and now there are also delves, there are 0, 0! excuses at this point for not knowing your rotation.

As for your point about “chasing away players” seems to me that wow is doing just fine.

Because of blizzards terrible game design, specifically RNG loot. Speed is one of the only weapons we have as players to combat garbage RNG systems as you need to do it as many times as fast as possible to get what you want.