Speck of bronze dust

The Speck of Bronze dust is being found in the Vault today…


Thanks for the heads up!

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Took 2 chests to finish the mount. It’s super quick.


I finally finished the meta last week (those scrolls were a nightmare), so I will be glad to snag this baby and be 100% done with that area forever.


How did they fit a full-grown mammoth in an egg? One that is small enough for me to have carried around in my bags for a few weeks. :thinking:

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Wasn’t there for me. Opened the entire vaults every week. I’m a bit peeved :sob:


Just opened my 3rd door and chest in there had it…

I will have to go back, hope I just missed something.

edit- still nope. The vault I had was this pirate one that has a cannon in the middle.

A wizard did it.


So, if I did not get to the vault last week would I have it? I am going to guess I am behind and it will show up when I get to the equivalent week?

I still wanna know how we go from an egg to a mammoth




I suppose I wrote weirder things with that mindset

Which came first, the Mammoth or the egg?

Ask your mom about the birds and the bees.

New mount? :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

A dragon wizard that is.

The Emerald Dragon Brooch was there , too!

Yeah I got that after about 6 more rooms I opened up…still say they forgot to put this stuff in and then realized last week they did…it should of been spread out more to get the stuff to make mammoth.

Mine was in a Research Chest on the main floor.