Speck of bronze dust

You mean I can go back in again?

Now that I have the Mammoth, there’s not much left. I still don’t have the Nozdormu hologram, so I guess I’ll keep working for that…?

got the speck and brooch AAAAAnd the mount :slight_smile:

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I picked up a new toy today …some kind of Horn…haven’t finished all the rooms yet though only did about half of them…but got my mammoth mount .

Anyone know what we are suppose to do with the paint bladders from the vault?

I’m not 100% sure but from what I understand its all just RNG. Like I haven’t seen the book room with the The Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth (Annotated) book on my main yet but did have it on an alt that I was getting stones for the ring for.

I just know as of now, I have the mount and every pet and toy from the vaults. So at the very least I’ll be doing the vault next week to see if I can get the book achievement for my main.

Throw them at people?

It does not exist. It’s pathetic. Across 5 max toons loot each and every vault every week and never drops. Does not exist.

one theory is one of the items altered the creature as mammoths don’t lay eggs as far as I’m aware lol. It looks neat if anything though