Specialize with the New Augmentation Evoker

There were a bazillion people on the PTR testimg it out! Quite a buzz in chat too

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In the guild, people were just excited to have one in the raid with them rather than playing one themselves. As it should be. Support isn’t the star - it makes others shine. It doesn’t work if everyone is playing one.

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to all the “should have been a tank spec” people.
a) yes i"d have loved a tank spec for Drac too!
b )However… the last 3 new classes added prior (DK, Monk, DH) all had tanks specs, and that never solved the “tank shortage” problem… how is making a Drac Tank Spec going to??

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Man that takes me back to my childhood.

Legend of Dragoon was a great game.


question tho
why is considered dps and not healer?
can we switch it to heals and not dps? there doesn’t seem to be enough buttons for dpsing imo.

U guys srsly need to be careful with this stuff.

This sounds exactly like how yellow-line minstrel went in LOTRO, and that spec is now more or less baseline with healer and dps minstrel.

Raids will only take one of these and either they will be mandatory in dungeons or avoided with no in between.

Don’t get me wrong. Buff/debuffing support specs in mmo’s have always been one of my favs, but there is such a fine, thin line of making them either op or completely useless.

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It was and still is a pretty chill game! I do a play through every now and again :3

Uh huh ps1 era gaming had some absolute bangers, part of me is still holding out hope they remake Legends of Dragoon one day


I mean personally I’m not worried about a ‘tank shortage’, I just want to be able to play content with friends as the evoker filling what role is necessary. I don’t wanna flip between a bunch of characters doing a little here and there, I wanna invest in a single character and be able to do what I want to.

Little bit of hot-take, but honestly I think all classes should get a healer/tank spec. Easier said than done for certain classes, certainly. But maybe that helps the tank shortage, cause then people who wouldn’t normally tank (or even heal) can try it on their main and not have to invest extreme time or resources into maintaining a second character to fill a role sometimes.


Because it does damage. It just cuts the end off of its own ePeen and adds it to someone else. It has a rotation. Check it out on the PTR.

i have. which is why i made my comment.

This is fair, but Mythic is also basically designed to be inaccessable to the vast majority of players. I’m kinda liking that Blizzard seems to be done compromising the rule of cool over 1% of the player-base seriously trying to progress beyond the first 3 bosses of Mythic.

This is somethign I can totally agree with! My three mains all have a healer spec (Monk, Evoker, Druid) and two have Tank specs. though I currently only Tank on Monk.

I’ve been running a Cutting-Edge guild for 9 years now, we’re not a “do the 2 or 3 basically Heroic bosses” pug group.

CE guilds (including many HoF guilds) have been dying left and right for the last few years because Blizzard continues to make raiding worse and worse, while the rest of the game moves into the 2020’s.

What Blizzard really needs to stop doing is listening to people like you about this, who feel the need to comment on an aspect of gameplay that you don’t even participate in.

Evokers might actually have an interesting spec now, at least.

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In a bit of a similar situation! Primarily play Paladin and Evoker, but I’ve been mostly doing Evoker with the new raid. Makes me sad considering I was really enjoying being off tank, but needed healers more lol. And I really prefer Preservation over Holy.

And instead listen to people like you who think it’s best for the game to stay with a stale boring trilogy because it makes it easier for you to beat the enrage timer on the attendance/class composition boss to progress in 1% tryhard mode?

Touch grass.

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You’re really off base, here. I have no objection to the Augmentation Evoker, I simply want Blizzard to have Mythic raiding scale from 10 to 30 like all the other modes.

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OK. I can agree with that. It sounded like your argument was “screw that, because they’ll never be balanced in a 20 man group”.

We asked for tank and we uh got this! I guess…progress?

Blizzard can’t even finish development on the existing tanks.