Specialize with the New Augmentation Evoker

or even limit it to 15-25… and make RWF only work for 20 or something… nothing sucks more in a small guild than 20 people on Tuesday, and only 16 of them available on Thur because life-happens… pugging 4 people into a Mythic Raid is tough even on a fresh clear, let alone when you already have bosses down

Getting a friend to help or pug that’s killed the boss before is also virtually impossible due to raid ID lockouts.

True! lol Tanks are one of the hardest classes to come by not because they are hard to play but because the whole idea of what tanking is today is kinda messed up. Still more tanks the better to flood a very dry market or rather 'exclusive" market.

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Off topic/on topic of my tank reply: Its all good because the long awaited SHAMAN TANK! will be coming to fill the gap! you mark my words! MARK THEM I SAY goes into a crazy rant

RWF needs to be on its own tournament server, just like MDI and AWC. They can force 20-man-only and overtune the fights as much as they want, there, but leave the other 99.999999999999% of CE guilds out of it.

Or even a stable guild with 25ish people on the roster, and every fight you have to tell people “sorry, you can’t play right now” because of the STUPID 20-person cap.

Again, this is not somebody who PUG’s Mythic talking, we’ve been doing CE for years. I’m tired of telling my friends they can’t play the game, though. Yeah, you rotate people on each fight, yeah you make the roster as slim as you can to minimize sitting, but it STILL sucks.

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Was hoping for a melee spec.

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I asked for a support and got a support.

Here’s a snippet from a class concept I did up four years ago:

And my specific opinion of support three years ago:

… although I was skeptical of it happening.

Frankly, I’m still surprised that it did happen.

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ya, we have that happen too… our Heroic clears are often with anywhere from 16-25 people depending on the night. then when Mythic prog happens we have to bench some. even when they are still good peformers because “not 20”

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Are DH’s everywhere like, “WTF???”

Not really, making the logical assumption that since this is the expansion the class was introduced in, that they were designed with three specs to begin with (same as every class other than DH), and just had the last disabled until the story elements that explained it played out.

So gnomes… warriors some how.

A dragonkin race…
“insert ion type of exuses”

Gw clueless ion strikes again…

I am curious, I’m sure it will play great in PvE… but my friends are worried for PvP how it might impact it?

I’m neutral in this but just asking for my PvP real life friends. :grin:

Thank you again for your hard work and the extra hours you guys must have put into getting this out in time!

Not gonna use this, but I’m so glad they didn’t add a tank spec.

Personally, I feel like Evoker is already good enough to take care of itself, but I feel like they wouldn’t actually be tanks. My Evoker can’t solo gold elites, but he can handle himself quite well. Especially with the healing abilities for the normal damage spec. I much prefer NEEDING diversity in duns/raids or even guilds, rather than just a ton of evokers. Imagine tank spec evoker in PvP as well? Hellll no. I prefer it this way, but I understand why people would want a tank spec as well.

I’m excited. The people saying that should balance their other classes, I say this. We have so many DPS specializations that have 3 DPS trees and perhaps that could be what’s making the game so hard to balance right now.

I feel that if this class works well we might see these three spec DPS classes cut back and more DPS specializations that are about buffering and such might help with that. We could see Blizzard taking some of those specializations and turn them into DPS augment specs. They’re working now on how setup the game so that what it does is reflect in DPS meters.

So if this spec helps reduce damage and increase output alone with its on dps I’d bet you will see net gains in 5 man runs. Even mythics. I’ve seen one game that did this remarkably well. Rift online has 5 man groups but you had to have a support role in your group (not a healer) these support roles usually had buffs that they cast while maintaining quite a bit through your dmg. You could also get support healers. Like a Bard.

Enhancement is an easy one on shamans, you can easily make Shadow Priest an off healing mana regen with some other buffs added in. I could easily see an arcane mage as a support role,. Not sure they have ever had all three mage DPS classes in mage working in any expansion. Anyway, that’s if it works out well. I’d love to see the Trinity because a square. In TBC it was a CC class that you brought but they were still DPS.

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I’m nervous about the idea of a support class. They’re either going to be 100% mandatory or 100% useless. I don’t think you can have an inbetween here.

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Yeah… Definitely missed opportunity here… 100% should have been a tank spec.

Going a support/dps is a really weird territory to traverse for sure.


don’t you put that evil on my favorite spec

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Awesome, a tank spec! Just like I’ve been hoping for. /sarcasm

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they could’ve made it a more dps/tank hybrid. I bet a lot of people would’ve tried it out.
instead - it seems kind of a paladin??

No. Not every new class needs to tank. We got 3 tanks in a row.