Specialize with the New Augmentation Evoker

The unfortunate thing is that if the spec is really good, in order to optimize a raid, Blizzard just made it to where your raid force requires 4 of them. As a person who likes to raid mythic, you are already limited to 20 slots.

The required classes you would want in raid as follow:
1 priest - fortitude buff
1 warlock - healthstones and gates
1 warrior - battle shout/rallying cry
1 mage - arcane intellect
1 dh - magical damage debuff
1 monk - physical damage debuff
1 druid - versatility buff
1 paladin - new raidwide retribution buff

That is already 8 of 20 slots being a requirement, in order to have your best odds against clearing content, now you added 4 more to that list of optimization, which makes 12 out of 20 slots of the raid pretty much defined.

From the abilities I read, you can boost the nearest allies (does not say in a group) by one and receive boosts to your stats based of their stats, with a 30 second cooldown, 10 second duration and you have abilities that extend the timer. People are just going to set 2 or 3 in a position and you are going to have just 4 dps stand on top of them and get basically permanent buffs throughout content. 30 second cooldown is not exactly a long timer, especially if it can be extended longer than a 10 second duration.

I don’t understand why they just wouldn’t make the buffs extend to the entire raid force, with a longer duration, and it puts a debuff on the raid like bloodlust.

Nice! This can hopefully open more doors for future classes and future specs of other classes we already currently have. Engineer mecha type, shaman-tank or support with totem/drum/voljin hoodoo, another plate healer in the form of a necromantic deathknight. This is the research needed.

Please however take care in making them unviable in SOLO content or very tough to play or weak. An augmentation evoker should be able to perform alone. Think spells that have a more significant effect with less targets, to make the damage that would otherwise be spread, focused when alone

This mentality is stupid, games like FF14 have as many classes as WOW but their raids are only of 8 people and can be done perfectly without having 1 of each niche. This is a toxic mentality based on minmaxing, which is not really necessary to complete content.

There are no required classes really, unless you are a minmaxer

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Because you’re only thinking of the buff in terms of how you’d recieve it as you clearly have 0 intentions of playing the spec and would just like to benefit from the buff, or make sure you benefit.

If you’re playing this evoker, it would be boring for your rotation to be filled with long, single use cooldowns instead of a fluid constantly moving around buffing rotation. If your raid leader i s GOOD I imagine he’ll be having this evoker cycle around the team where often different peeps are stacking, like ranged, melee etc


This is very much true, but if you read my post, I stated just that. I stated that would be what is required to have the most optimal raid setup, which would be in fact minmaxing.

Its not necessarily about being a minmaxer. Effectively, if I killed a boss in 7 minutes instead of 8 because I decided to bring 4 of these instead of 0, my odds of clearing were greatly increased.

That is another minute of the raid not having to worry about mechanics, or performing something correctly, less likely to run into mana issues, which means more likely to encounter success.

I played FFXIV, I through Stormblood. I saw this first hand there as well. People did not want Black Mages or Samurais as much (not saying they didn’t want them at all) because they did not really bring anything to the table. Could you clear with them? Of course, but if you brought something in their place, like a summoner instead of a black mage and a ninja instead of a samurai if you didn’t have one, you were very much likely to have a greater chance of clearing the content because not only were they having high throughput, they also brought useful utility. In combat rez from the summoner can put ease on a healer and make a fight more recoverable and ninja, well I heard it was changed, but we both can agree that trick attack was game changing to have (10% damage increase to everyone over a 15second duration, 60s cooldown, pretty much FFXIVs version of Bloodlust, but only 1 class had it and it was usable multiple times a fight).

Pretty sad they’re making a new spec and hardly anyone seems interested.



Because people have been continuously ignoring what is intended for the class and was said about it, to make it be something else.

While black dragonflight does feel more akin to defense, and so a tank would feel closer for that, it was said straight out pre-dragonflight launch, that evoker would not get a tank spec, because it doesn’t fit the class, which it doesn’t, the evoker is a half-range caster class.

And every single new class that has been added since vanilla has been melee/tank, with just one having healer to: DK melee/tank, Monk melee/tank/heals, DH melee/tank

We were well above and beyond overdue to have a ranged class added as the first since vanilla, and that was the obvious intent for them since the beginning.


Yep. We just need playable Drakonid to cover that big, burly dragon-man tank fantasy. No reason to shoe-horn that into Dracthyr when Drakonid would realize that fantasy 100x better. Not to mention that, even if they made Dracthyr into buff tanks, the people asking for it wouldn’t be satisfied - they inherently dislike Dracthyr and no amount of tweaking is going to change that.

Ah i think you better sober up tnen :dracthyr_nod: :rofl:

As cool as that would be it’s such a waste given how dracthyr armor looks and how difficult they were to make. I’d rather they add a tanking spec to an existing class like shamans

An you wonder why goblins love dealing with orcs :dracthyr_shrug:

It could be interesting. I mained a Bard in Everquest and liked the playstyle.
Here are my thoughts on what a good direction of the spec to go would be.

A do damage all the time spec. Similar to the profile BM hunter and Assassination Rogue, and Elemental Shaman in PvE. No real high burst peaks or low, out of CD valleys with DPS.

Then for the CD portion of their Kit, they empower their groups DPS/HPS/DMG Reduction. I think that it will be utterly tricky to balance, but going this route seems like a reasonable path. For the spec itself, it has a pretty flat damage profile. And its Burst Windows are synergizing with the group and the groups CDs to create that window.

I can already see some dangerous combinations. Spriest, Demo Lock Augmentation Evoker. Spriest Pops CDs and PI’s Demo Lock, Evoker Pops the DPS Boost CDs and Lust. I like trying something new. And I see the potential. But I also see the potential of wild scaling issues depending on the comp. Some specs will just scale so much better with damage amps during their CDs. While others wont.

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A buffing/support spec sounds SO cool and i am glad to hear Blizzard is doing despite the fact that the community is likely to NOT have a normal reaction to this.


It’s up on the PTR. And that’s pretty much how it plays - a 30 second CD group 4 person buff that last 10 seconds that you can extend by doing your rotation is the core of it.

Check out ‘The Legend of Dragoon’ 1999 ps1 game. When you said Dragoons I instantly thought of that,

It plays like FF7
but the npc’s all use the souls/stones of dragons to get armor/abilities/Weapons/Magic, kinda like extended limit breaks.


More for us all to fight over!

PI “the spec”

Long story short behind “Dragoon” becoming an RPG class name: Dragon Knight was too long for the NES UI in English, so they looked up some “Dragon Knight”-looking synonyms for soldiers and found “Dragoon,” slapping it onto the class and becoming the functional name for the Dragon Knight class from there on out, despite having nothing to do with the French mounted cavalry.

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That game is the first thing I think of too (even though I have played FF14 before), very much enjoyed that game.

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Its also comical to see people reeee’ing already about it. The spec just landed on the PTR and people are posting tirades about it doing poor DPS on a target dummy. Target dummies are generally a poor way to calculate actual DPS. But even using the numbers from a target dummy. The spec just landed. Nothing is tuned. And I doubt any of the Addons are updated to the point where they can accurately calculate the numbers for the spec yet.

Again reading many of the posts from WoW players is disheartening. They seem like people that if you gave them $100 bill, they would complain that now they have to break it to spend it. Or they dont like carrying cash around. Or why couldnt you just venmo or zelle it, instead of forcing them to waste time getting change for it. How dare you inconvenience them by giving them a $100 bill when it would be so much easier to cash app them, and now they risk losing the money by dropping it somewhere, or now someone could steal it off them because it is $100 cash.

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