Spec balance is beyond broken

WW ilvl 259/260 sims higher in the same sim on raid bots than 277 Frost Mage.

Is this what you wanted from balancing DPS specs in Season 3 M+ dungeons?? Because this is a big fail.


Well, considering you posted this on a Monk, problem solved?


This Monk is actually level 60. I have no idea why the forums haven’t updated it. But yea. Not really the point. I do like playing the Monk.

The variation in m+ performance is so vast tanks out DPS the bottom tier DPS specs.


Diminishing return would do that the higher you go the least amount of damage you do ,it’s not going to matter after a point.

This is not at all what is happening. No secondaries are in DR. I wouldn’t run a sim like that.

Yes they are in every secondary stat.


No they aren’t, because when you hit that DR you move stats to a different stat if you are able, and I am able. Maxed out Crit/Haste, everything else goes in Vers. And that’s not the issue here anyway.

Doesn’t matter they’re still effected at 25 percent after that it is so little that it is pointless. You only get more damage by the influence of your gear after that, blizzard purposely did that .

DR occurs at 30%

25 as far as I know.


Oh they changed it again ,figures. Yet the same results.

You will never have perfect balance. Simulations are not realistic, parsing is not an accurate representation of reality and if anything is a disease because it creates an incentive to stall and wipe and turns your team into an obstacle to you winning an imaginary scoreboard for a non-existent medal.

No, spec balance isn’t perfect in WoW. Yes, sometimes specs are skewed heavily in their favor. But you’re not playing at that level, so it probably doesn’t matter, and if you did, you’d understand why meter reports are nonsense. Simulations and parses only tell you part of the story. If your mere presence improve the DPS of the other two DPS by 5%, it wont be reflected in the meters. The utility you offer your team is not mentioned in the parses.

I do wish WoW’s DPS range was closer to what FFXIV’s is- where it’s pretty unusual for any one job to outperform another by more than 10%- but what I don’t want is for Blizzard to waste time and man power tuning every class perfectly just in time for the expansion to be over.

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Where’s Ghostcrawler when you need him?


How else could they convince min-maxers to keep rerolling to the latests FOTM?


I dk,they did do something Tuesday made some adjustments I even seen some of the effects in ZM.

Quick sims are incredibly inaccurate.


Try fire.

Also. A spec of one class performing better than a spec of another class (theoretically) is fine.

Frost is a weak spec.

Again? That article was in 2020

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I think he went to go work on league of legends where the playerbase wasn’t as openly hostile to the devs.