Spearhead is objectively the worst burst in the game

Bring back the old coordinated assault effect.
If you double all stats of current Spearhead the spell would still be garbage.

This guy hasn’t seen arms pop avatar at 70


is objectively the new literally? if you actually mean objectively please show the data

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Plain and simple, read the tooltip.
Pet dependent skill.
12 seconds duration.
Initial damage compared to serpent sting initial damage.
GCD, thats the best part lol
Absolutely inexistent build compared to coordinated assault build which is already low.

but if its objectively the worst theres gotta be some type of analysis to prove that its fact, so go ahead and hop on that

i dont even think something can objectively be the worst in the game when compared to something as broad as “burst cds” as so many of them function differently

long story short using objectively all willy nilly won’t make your point any better


So its easy to prove im lying. Which burst is worse than Spearhead?
if im lying is SO EASY to prove im wrong.

Objectively your the best mage on forums larry cus ur wholesome and non toxic

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Im waiting.
Which burst spell is objectively worse then spearhead, im waiting.

35% dot on main skill, a dot which doens’t stack over each other.
25% pet dmg.

Someone mentioned Avatar, 20% overall damage. Almost double spearhead duration lol.

Why would a spec based around sustained damage need insane burst?

1- nobody asked for insane burst
2- theres a subtle space between being the worst burst in the game and being a insane burst

Then why are you crying about not having a super strong burst ability?

Read my first sentence in this thread.

Im asking for 20% overall dmg, standard burst duration, which is fair. This has NOTHING to do about asking for insane burst, nobody mentioned insane except you basing it on your deduction

Okay, then what is this about? Spearhead is currently fine as is. Let surv be about sustained damage.

[ insert your brainlet meme here ]

Yes, ive already inserted that over your orc profile icon.

Does survival need ret wings burst ? It’s a spec that can set-up a long cc chains on it’s own consistently over and over throughout a game .

who asked for that?

“damn boy, this spell is the worse of all burst…”
brainlet buddy: does this mean… you want… a INSANE BURST? you want … a … RET WINGS???


What about the rest of their kit, though?

Surv loses even thorugh regular sustain, best scenario, kite, CC(if you can) and hope its enough. On 3v3 is more like a support… CC and expect your partner damage is enough to finish the fight.

I remember when some Shadow Priests and Outlaw Rogues were saying this.