That trial makes me glad i play on a controller.
I had a pretty great time when I took a break from WoW and played on Mateus and Lamia, but I tend to lean a bit more towards WoW when it comes to my MMO tastes.
Roulettes are great, but there’s no scaling challenges like M+. Some people, like those in the Classic crowd, don’t think you need to have a harder difficulty because a universal experience is more important, but I think diversity for different levels of skill, including higher skillcaps. Savages were cool, but it didn’t feel like it lasted as long.
As for the community bit, generally speaking I never had trouble running into people to do things with. Usually I’d find people running around for hunt trains, doing Fates, and so on, so I felt the world was about as active as WoW was with its own events like WQs and such, but if there is one thing I think FF14 does better than WoW, it’s community management and actually holding that community to a standard. I’ve had people go off in random leveling dungeons in WoW who’ve gone on full-blown caustic tirades and go completely unpunished. The GMs seem way more proactive with the moderating experience in 14, though thankfully, I hadn’t had to speak to them often.
But the story, man. The way 14 presents its characters and how they handle them seems way more cohesive than how WoW’s been handling theirs. Sure, I’ll admit that ARR’s content was a slog for the second half, but Heavensward onward has been an absolute trip and joy to experience. Obviously different stories will resonate with different people in different ways, but man… FF14’s got some damn good presentation. I think if WoW’s storytelling could have the same sort of depth we got with things like the Pride of Kul Tiras chain - which is easily one of Blizzard’s best quest series in WoW to date, we’d have people receiving the story much better.
Oh, and PVP in 14 just…was a thing I guess?
Also Y’sholta is best girl, and Urianger is Urian-bae. Fight me.
No justification needed. More people play wow, hence its the objectively superior product.
Eh, it’s not as black and white as that.
Both are great products, and one could say wow is superior, but by numbers alone it would be hard to say.
A lot of people play wow because of the sunk cost principle, they’ve sunk so much into wow that they feel leaving it would be throwing all that away.
Honestly, even though WoW players cry about not being heard by the devs, the PVP community in FF14 has been so criminally neglected, and 100% ignored it’s not even a laughing matter.
The forums we use here for WoW are just so much more modern and improved versus FF14’s, and you regularly have blue posts that @the community directly. The FF14 community likes to brag that they directly influence their game, but to be frank, the closest they get to influencing their game is the Japanese community interfacing with Yoshi-P during livestreams. That’s it.
Both WoW and FF14 have vast differences if you delve into the nuances of the games but the biggest defining factor between the two is WoW actually has PVP. If you’re interested in that content AT ALL, FF14 is not worth your time.
And I’m saying that with an active subscription to both games right now. (My GF and I are playing Shadowbringers together). WoW will forever be my home, because its playground is literally unparalleled, no matter how unbalanced it is. The responsiveness, control, and depth of the classes is unmatched
Don’t really know what they could do outside of rebuilding the whole game. Many of the issues with PvP come directly from the way the game itself is designed.
PvP itself in that game has the right idea though honestly, specific spells, no gear mattering, just what should be skill mattering, but it’s all ruined by the fact that the game has basically built in lag.
This seems like something a hedgehog would say.
They could do a lot. They could revert back to the old-school PVP skills they had previously. There was a point in time where they reduced the available actions in PVP down from the full PVE kit to literally 6 buttons per Job, because PVP was “too toxic and threatening for players”. FF14 players like to be coddled, and hate competition. They don’t even allow DPS meters for this reason. So the devs simplified PVP to be an absolute child’s game.
They could also actually support the PVP scene by including roulettes for PVP modes other than Frontlines (24v24v24 OBJ mode). The only reason people play that hellhole moshpit of a mode is because it has a XP bonus if you queue for it. And Frontlines ends up being a chaotic, zero strategy, bee swarm of a mode that offers no nuance or opportunity for skill. There are other PVP modes like “The Feast” or “Rival Wings” that Square Enix absolutely IGNORES, and the community therefore ignores. Queues for The Feast and Rival Wings can last an entire day before they pop if you’re queuing outside of hours designated by hardcore Discord Communities, once a week.
The PVP scene in FF14, as sh**ty and defunct as it is, could at least use a bandaid or two. Yet Yoshi-P would rather literally pretend PVP doesn’t exist. PVP updates of any kind were not mentioned in the last liveletter, or any one in recent memory.
That’s a pretty good assessment. I agree with most of it. Overall the most important thing to me is class design, and while I agree that WoW does tanking (and more recently healing) better, the class design is just better in FF14.
I think one of the main reasons why is meters and parses don’t matter. There are classes that are supposed to do more damage than others, and classes that are designed to be support. I think this lack of cut and dried role definition is what gives it the edge.
I like both games enough to have a sub for each, though.
Depend. Male or female? If male i agree yes
It’s not though. Let’s take Warlock and Summoner for example. Both are caster DoT classes with pets.
Warlock has a toolkit where they can interrupt casts, tank with their pet, combo offensive cooldowns for cleave or massive damage, they have raid utility with healthstones and summons and tons of demons to choose from that each have mechanically different functions. On top of that Blizzard designs their classes to be augmented with Talents, essentially modifiable builds that you can change up depending on what type of content you are doing. ON TOP OF THAT, there are THREE different playstyles (specializations) to Warlocks. A DoT specialization, a pet specialization, and a flat damage specialization. There is so much intricate design involved in this class that there are entire websites dedicated to how to play the class.
Summoner is a Dot class that has 2 DoTs, the ability to spread the DoT, an AOE and a single target filler move, a DoT “execution”, and 3 buff windows. They also have 3 very unresponsive pets that boil down to “AOE Pet”, “Single Target Pet”, and “Pet you don’t use.” SMN starts by using pet abilities on CD, to stack Ruin IV, and enters Dreadwyrm Trance to Ruin III a whole bunch. Then they summon Bahamut and spend Ruin IV’s. Then they Firebird Trance. That’s it. Every single time. That is their rotation, and there aren’t websites dedicated to the utility and flexibility of the class. There are websites out there that tell you how many Ruin IV’s you can fit into Bahamut phase.
FF14’s classes are not more intricate. In fact, they have to be played a certain way to be played correctly. They’re very rigid, and mechanical, albeit fun, in a coloring book kind if way.
I’m a Lala >:{
What u got against smallfolk
In an abstract way, I can put it this way:
WoW is organic in class design.
FF14’s is very mechanical.
Yeah, both have their strong points. PvP in WoW is obviously more robust and there’s more variation within each class, even if class design is often haphazard compared to FFXIV.
I vastly prefer FFXIV’s story to WoW’s story, both in plot and in the way that it’s told, so I consider FFXIV to be my number one MMO these days. I mostly just resub to WoW to occasionally get some nostalgia vibes and binge on the story to see if it has improved.
That said, it all comes down to individual preferences and experiences. So to each their own and all that jazz.
I totally understand where you’re coming from. FF14 does not have builds, WoW does. However, and this is just my opinion, I’d take classes with complex rotations and true support classes over that bit of choice. Let’s face it, there are choices… but depending on the content the choice is often fairly obvious, and specs are often FotM.
I have almost* all Jobs at 70 or above. Tell me what rotation you think is even remotely complex.
Having a sequence you need to press in order isn’t “complex”. Every one of those jobs has a correct answer to what button comes next. It’s a game of 1, 2, 3, and you build some cutesy graphical meter off to the side, then spend the meter. The most complicated class I can think of is Black Mage (BLM), and it’s basically just an easier Arcane Mage from Legion. Summoner (SMN) is a less complicated Warlock. Paladin (PLD) is a less complicated Protection Paladin. What here is unique and complicated? It’s all very streamlined, though I suppose that’s the appeal.
edit: almost*
WoW has better and more challenging endgame content as far as Dungeons and Raids go. FF14 however imo I enjoyed leveling more and I enjoy the professions more.
Lala master race.
I mean… Look at this adorable thing
The Disciple of Hand and Land Jobs in FF14 are honestly unparalleled in the MMO genre and I really wish WoW and other mmos would take note. It’s insane. I took Botany to 70 in Stormblood and it’s mindblowingly intricate.
You’re not alone.
Just like WoW you’ll have positive and negative experiences in FFXIV.