Spawn timers

The spawn timers are too fast as in some mobs respawn right after death. A minor adjustment to slow them down a little bit would be appreciated.


Naw, they’re fine, maybe even a little slow.

Learn to not stand in the middle of the kobold camp and you’ll be fine.

The moment they drop the spawn rate is the moment the forums will be erupting with QQ threads in how people are sniping their mobs and it’s taking too long to get quests done.

Nobody is ever going to be happy.

Anything that gets me out of the damned Fargodeep Mine/Elwynn Forest faster is a godsend. Thanks to Our Lady of Blessed Repopulation.

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the spawn rate will decrease on its own once there are fewer players constantly killing everything that moves :expressionless: you’ll miss it when it’s gone.

LOL , look at all the members of the agane police gathered here in a single thread. shooting down anything that goes against their views. cant make this stuff up. edit: i guess asma didn’t this time lol

you cannot control when a system has an malfunction, no matter how hard you try. it’s like saying you can stop your heart from stopping. you can exercise, eat well, etc. but you can’t really stop the act of your heart stopping when it begins to stop. same thing.


Try to do In Defense of The Kings Lands quest chain and then come back and say that the spawn times aren’t outrageous sometimes.


I’ve done it four times in Hardcorpse so far.

It’s fine.


Tell me you don´t play the game whithout telling me you don’t play the game.

And it is not a question of standing in the middle of a kobold camp. Sometimes you kill a mob and it comes instantly back; the last time it happened to me was with one of the jailers in Durnhold Keep. If you are at low health and/or mana, that might be the end of your character.

I don’t remember playing a version of the game with such fast spawn timers. I know people, myself included, appreciate dynamic timers, as it sucks to wait minutes for the mobs to come back, but in hardcore, where you have one and only one chance, if Blizz cannot find the perfect balance, long spawns are better than these absurdities we are seeing now.


I’m guessing I’ve spent far more time playing Hardcorpse than you have. I’ve been neglecting work something fierce.

I simply don’t play the game stupidly.

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I don’t know how, honestly. Everytime I come to these forums there are many posts in almost every single thread with nonsensical takes or straight out trolling by a character called Glinda or its variations. You probably don’t have time to play the game, let’s be honest. But whatever.

I agree with op, the spawn timers in some areas are too fast and could be made longer.

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That doesn’t surprise me.

Yes, this is getting ridiculous. The funny thing is that sometimes the spawns are kinda slow on crowded areas, and instant on deserted ones. Go figure. Something is off I guess.

I’m having a blast playing HC till know, but I had some close class with these crazy spawns already. It’d suck to lose a character because a mob you killed 5 sec ago came back already on top of you…


It’s because it is based on the population in the whole zone, not only the sub-zone you’re in. Plus th population in your zone on differnt layers also affects the spawn tinmers.

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This person was actually a low level rogue on my original Classic server. They used to be on a lot. I was on everyday playing and everytime I was on, I saw them on playing. Glinda has more alts that they play than the average person so… that is more time split in between all of them vs that time put into just one. That prevents you from becoming super good if you divide your effort among multiple alts. They do play. Or at least did a lot back in the day. So yea I can confirm for a 100% fact that Glinda does indeed play. And they were on my old original Classic server, same faction. Now they are again in HC.

Yea, Glinda is wrong about the spawn timers. But that’s just in one point. There is an algorithm set in game for some areas to where if there are more people in a certain area, the mobs will spawn faster. if Glinda plays alone or with very few, then they may not actually see those outrages spawn rates. I did have one spawn as I was looting him, he spawned right on top of his corpse.

Spawn rates are zone based spawns and in HC they have been made to hyper spawn now. Good example is in the Human starting zone, that bandit guy will most often spawn as you are looting him now. He can spawn so fast that you can kill him with a mage, and run to loot him and he will already be back up.


So even worse, IMO. I thought it was a localized problem; but if it depends on the population off the whole zone and even on the amount of layers, you cannot predict hyperspawns.


Ty for the insight.

Oh, that is only a very small part of why I’m not good at WoW.

You do not predict the hyper spawns, the hyper spawns predict you.

And as for the murloc areas…omg talk about a full on full force zerg rush.

Are you intentionally wrong all the time or is that another thing you just don’t have control over?