Spawn timers

Whenever I saw you on our old server you were always alone. So I assumed it was the same now. And yes the spawns are based on zone activity slightly.
And you saying you have done In Defense of the Kings Lands on 4 separate toons now in HC. You dont have any toons high enough to have done that. The quest chain starts with the mobs being near level 10 right as you enter the valley it is easy, then as you go on, the mobs get to past level 20 and there are often times 10 or more of them in a single spot so there is no way you have done it on any of your toons yet for the entire quest chain.

And it has really terrible rewards for how difficult it is in HC. There are easier quests that give better rewards.

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You know where that gets you.

Actually, maybe you don’t.

Will you ever get to 60 in HC? Message me back here when you are. With your 60.

Who knows?

I’m leveling one of each class except I’m doubling up on druids and mages. I’ll probably roll some more Horde toons so I can cover all the primary profs. I like to make my own gear. Rolling on two accounts for the bank alts and so I can enchant my own gear.

Yeah, I’ve been playing a LOT.

So far I’ve lost one toon, a warlock at lvl 16, due to paying more attention to the telephone than to the game.

As far as letting you know if I hit 60, well, I figure you’re way more concerned about it than I am, so I figure you’ll know.

Oh, I’m not sure how far I’m going to level the nelf druid.

Darkshore suuuuuuuuucks.

I do exactly the same. Trade to your alts with two accounts. Dont mail it and waste time and gold.

Im on a lot and it is announced to the entire server whenever someone does. Plus all the 60s I know either log out and never log back in or go to SW where it is safe. As Murphys Law puts it. “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong and at the worst possible time.” That would be dying at level 60.

Not if you turn it off.

No level shaming :expressionless:

I would argue that leveling alliance defias pillager isn’t a hardcore experience (at least the early levels) everything is dead and there’s no danger.

Try playing on a lower population server and there won’t be respawns because everything isn’t being killed every second

So, you’re not playing Hardcorpse.

Thank you for your shower thoughts.

No it doesn’t, you’ll suck at PvP if you have no idea what other classes are capable of.

Pretty bad take. The spawn timers are based on all the layers, while the player population is spread between them. That’s just terrible design by Blizzard.

So, don’t stand in the middle of the kobold camp and you’ll be fine.

It doesn’t matter what causes the mechanic, what matters is how you deal with the mechanic.

Of course you can. This is a rather shortsighted statement. You can most definitely cause system malfunctions, but I appreciate the point you’re making.

You’re quoting somewhat out of context though, which isn’t particularly representative of a genuine conversation.

Anyway, the rules for HC servers are very clear:

“Any character that dies on a Hardcore realm can never resurrect on that realm for ANY reason.”

That’s the exact same ruleset that every one of us who play on HC realms agrees to when we create characters and click, “I agree.”

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What isn’t fun is running around in circles for hours trying to ninja tag mobs and quest objectives.

I know what they all can do. I have multiple of every class. And in Classic I have 5 level 60s. In BFA I had 27 toons up to max level. But I still have always had one main. I dont divide my attention between toons. I have one main and alts who are alts. Not just a bunch of alts and a main that I barely attend to.

Ur lvl 18 lock with 530 posts also still has never leveled yet and you had that toon almost day one of original Classic, lol. If you didnt have an army of alts on the forums, you would actually have at least one toon to 60 by now. 17 in HC…that will be highest you’ll ever get? I’m doing holy spec 1 to 60 on my pally everyone else does ret. I do holy only in Classic.

I’m a little embarrassed for you right now.

Naw, naw.

Avonka’s my biggest fan/stalker.

Glinda, level 18 pink haired warlock…yes you have. I’m the one who has over 520 days /played time on my main in retail. You cant even get a few toons to level cap in Classic or something? You used to always follow my paladin around on these forums. My retail one. On your level 18 warlock. Because you were truly in awe of me as most people are.