Spamming Trade: LF1M =/= Community

The playerbase back then was a lot younger, classic is probably attracting a lot of its original players who now are obviously older with more responsibilities and less time. To say that making groups via some sort of addon to speed it up a bit is less social is kinda looking at it through rose tinted classes. Sure #nochanges to vanilla but the players themselves have changed due to time. The playerbase could die off a lot because people want to play and group but just dont have that spare hour just to form a group.


I’m confused. Just a few posts earlier, you said:

"There are plenty of people who were nice in TBC when LFG was just starting out. There were still plenty of people who were nice when cross-server LFG was implemented in WOTLK.

Assuming a community occurs just because you spend more time wasting by spamming chats is flawed logic."

So, which is it? Was the community rotten or not?

While I think this whole thing is way overblown and unnecessary, you’re not exactly helping things.


At end game I agree… pre sixty now that gets a bit iffy.

Having a different opinion to you does not consider something trolling.


If you’re spamming /2 Trade, you’re doing it wrong.

Because /4 LookingForGroup is an official zone-wide channel, you can form groups while questing, wPvP, farming, and fishing.

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So instead of “LFG …” or “LFM …”, we get to go back to our regularly scheduled programming; endless thunderfury/political/trolling nonsense in literally every freaking channel.

Woo, what an improvement.

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“Looking for 1 more random person that has no idea how to CC, cares more about DPS meters than mechanics, and will have to leave half way through the instance!” That’s why we had “community”, to avoid that situation.

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It’s been smashed as everyone knew it would. Only the delusional retail rats wanted this



Sitting in a group for an hour for heals or tank, sounds like a great experience…

Edit: the amount of people sitting in those groups saying eff this and drop group will be higher than the ‘oh this is great classic community experience!


Your “community” was already rotten at the core to begin with. All of our servers in vanilla had plenty of people who were rotten, rude, and relentless in trolling others of the same faction.

Being nice to get invited and being nice genuinely are two different things but are not mutually exclusive. To be rotten at the core means, in this context, being nice for the sole purpose of receiving something in return rather than just being nice out of the kindness of your heart.

If you are looking for help, trying to understand that “plenty” and “all” are two different things might be a good start. It’s not helping you because you’re not actually reading anything posted but skimming. Had you read the post and took time to understand it, you wouldn’t have been confused.

You don’t like Vanilla. Cry more like the wall of no poster you are





Only while Layering is in effect. Once layering is removed a low/high pop Classic server will be the same as it was in 04/06.

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lol did you even play vanilla?


Did you?


Social or not, there will be many people who say #noaddons who use addons themselves. The truth always comes out and they’ll be most of the people who leave vanilla or ask to get carried through instances/raids. Nostalgia is something I love because peoples’ memories of the good old days “without LFG/addons” and more “socializing” is what made WoW what it is today.

All of the ninja looting, trolls, AFK’ers serve many purposes. One of them is to weed out the trash that don’t understand LFG solved many issues like AFK’ers, trolls who sat back and only hit one spell the entire fight, or when people got disconnected and couldn’t reconnect because of unforeseen circumstances.

Probably had 100 days played in vanilla.

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Well aren’t you special


I’m glad this addon is being looked at.

Making friends as you level is the way to fill those coveted healer/tank slots. Talk to people who you see in the world. Help each other do quests. Add people to your friends list. Communicate with them as you continue your march through the levels. Help others, and they will be more inclined to help you.

Not special, just informed on the reality of how vanilla was and not posting just random garbage like some.

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