Banning the addon makes people use websites, not spam trade chat. you will never, ever stop peoplefrom using partially or fully automated group finders.
Enjoy “classic” (onlynotreallynotever).
Banning the addon makes people use websites, not spam trade chat. you will never, ever stop peoplefrom using partially or fully automated group finders.
Enjoy “classic” (onlynotreallynotever).
And what i don’t get is why are they trying to get this addon in the game, Classic is suppose to be something that brings back memories of how we played and how the game was great with all its warts and trials and errors. We don’t want retail we don’t want retail QOL, we want our social game, that is all and anything that goes against that grain needs to be banned. If they want all this QOL junk then go play retail its there have fun don’t mess with our game you have yours…
I’ve said it in another thread, but guess I’ll toss it in here as well.
The big thing people are trying to get away from is the pug system. It’s been both a boon and blight on the game since it came out. It’s a boon for people that don’t have an active guild/time to wait. It’s a bane for members of active guilds and casuals. Pre-PUG, the first place people went to for grouping was their guild. Then, they hit up the channels. Post-PUG, people hit up their guild and were told to just PUG it.
While I don’t think the addon’s going to make that big a difference, I can understand the fear it represents. I sort of agree with it and don’t want to jump into Classic and end up with another guild that is little better than a glorified chat channel. While it’s what I do most with guilds, I hate running instances with strangers and like to go a bit slower than most PUGs like to.
The people wanting a LFG addon are the ones that won’t be sought out for groups.
If you’re good at what you do, you get ninja invites as soon as you log in.
The reactionary crybabies got their way, even though this functionality was in BC and was never used by anyone.
The problem of LFD/LFR was ALWAYS the cross-server part. It was never the system itself.
Maybe now these threads can stop popping up and we can discuss something else?
To the OP if you don’t like Classic go back to BfA
Serves them right. They either didn’t play or intentionally forgot how time consuming ONE single instance was back in vanilla.
Its the start of a slippery slope. Those of us who played from Vanilla have all seen this and if you don’t you’re being purposely blind. It’s the start of automation which is the death of community.
The community died when “being nice and polite” was thrown out.
The community died when people decided to AFK in instances or ninjaloot and no one cared enough to blacklist let alone maintain a blacklist.
The community was already dead when people like you assumed QOL improvements and addons were wrong.
Which also correlated with the introduction of systems that didn’t require being nice and polite.
What’s harder, being nice in order to be invited/invited back to groups or have an automated system auto invite you. Seems pretty cut and dry.
Hate to break it to you but that’s never been a certainty. For every good samaritan, there’s at least one loot stealer, node ninja, and gold farmer.
There are plenty of people who were nice in TBC when LFG was just starting out. There were still plenty of people who were nice when cross-server LFG was implemented in WOTLK.
Assuming a community occurs just because you spend more time wasting by spamming chats is flawed logic.
The flawed logic is ignoring the fact that over time the lack of a need to communicate has negatively impacted the feeling of community. Go into any dungeon in retail wow, due to the automation from forming groups, teleporting to instances and placing related quests inside the instance there is no need to even talk.
The price you pay for automation and convenience is the degradation of the community as a whole. The less the community needs to communicate the faster it dies.
Except in classic, you’d still have to spend all the time running to the zone and spend the hour or two doing the zone… There is plenty of time to socialize during that.
Oh well, it doesn’t matter now. Blizzard caved to the babies and are agreeing to kill the API for addons like this. They won’t be able to completely kill them off though because that would break dozens of other popular addons that rely on parsing chat, but it will temporarily slow it down for now.
By the time TBC was about to roll out, barely anyone needed the fights explained, barely anyone asked how to get to xyz area, barely anyone stopped to help someone who was running away from mobs, and almost everyone was SPAMMING trade and general with pathetic crap like “anal” or linking Thunderforgotten.
No, sweetie, that’s not the price. Automation and convenience do not change people. People change themselves. Your “community” was already rotten at the core to begin with. All of our servers in vanilla had plenty of people who were rotten, rude, and relentless in trolling others of the same faction.
It’s a good thing that Blizzard are sticking to their design of creating classic wow as close to the original as they can. It won’t be a perfect recreation but the closer the better. You keep adding “small” additions like this and they’ll just snowball.
Congratulations, by resulting to this it shows me that your argument doesn’t hold any water. Thank you.
I am not drastically for or against the addon I just don’t see how its different from the LFG in burning crusade that the community used.
Seems like it would be nice for leveling but it isn’t massive.
You don’t have to spam “LF1M” in trade if you make friends, or, dare I say, a community of people to do things with. That’s the whole point.
Flagged as trolling. As expected, you really aren’t anything but a troll. It’s no wonder you never had any basis for a “community” other than to wait until you couldn’t argue any further.