Space alien frogs are coming for azeroth

Pepe has joined the chat

I’m gonna need more than that.

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I’m all for this :frog:

We don’t need alien frog invader when we already have them.

frogs do sound better than dragons maybe next expansion surprise.

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if the blood elves keep putting mana in the water, they will.

Whelp. That’s it. Blizzard will be banning Alex Jones because of his toxic opinions about frogs!

Isn’t there a song about that?

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i honestly have no idea, i just know illidan has to stop putting mana in the water.

Have you seen what that does to elves?

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no not really.
but i seen what it does too humans.

I didn’t know humans reacted that way to mana.

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we get plot armor+

it’s weird, like gandalf mixed with superman…

like Medivh

(suddenly plays kara music)

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D&D did it first. The space frogs there are called Slaad. They are actually nothing to trifle with.

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Sounds like the Incurseans from Ben 10.

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I LOVE THOSE DUDES I remember Ben form was awesome

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Ah yes, I remember them. Some of the Slaadi heroes were virtual demi-gods. I was in a campaign of Spelljammer that had a run-in with them once, and we were sent packing with our figurative tails between our legs.

Hmm…can you imagine the world of hurt we would be in, if those guys found Azeroth?

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OP would make a horrible lawyer.

“My evidence is trust me bro.”

That was the best part of the post.

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