Space alien frogs are coming for azeroth

But are the space frogs genderfluid?

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For that matter, are they gendered at all?

And if they are, does either gender look good in an armorkini?

(I tend to judge things by armorkini appropriateness.)

All space frogs should wear armorkinis.

This thread was one heck of an adventure for being so tiny.


None of you saw this. This thread does not exist. There is NO impending frog/toad/newt invasion. You may all return to your previous activities, comfortable in your ignorance of the approaching doom.

Addendum: Wellll, drat. I canā€™t post links. Bleh.

I got you, foxy frand.


You didnā€™t see anything.



Well, we got good space goats. Evil space frogs only make sense.

The word ā€œeggsā€ popped in my head.

Now Iā€™m picturing frogs as xenomorphs. :frog:

So an entire expansion of two characters from Kung Fu Hustle?
If thatā€™s the case Iā€™m sticking with the Landladyā€™s faction.

The supreme leader of the alien frogs is indeed the one known as the hypnosis toad. He hypnotized you into what you believe is opposite of what you say

But why would evil space frogs let a toad lead them?

Because they are illogical not even the jailer with his 4d master IQ could understand them.

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Pandaren have great armorkina.

Draenei are purposefully designed with a demonic appearance.

toads are frogs.

I totally believe this!

After the never ending genocide that we committed against the Gulp Frogs on the Timeless Isle, we are due to reap the vengeance of the Space Toads! :space_invader::frog:

/moo :cow:


Iā€™m having Flashbacks.
Everquest Flashbacks.

I think the Frogloks game me PTSD.

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We have the same armorkinis as anyone else.

We just fill them out especially well.

Indeed our rallying cry shall be not today space frogs like captain America when he saw his own butt. Indeed that is Americaā€¦ā€¦

Or the thanks.

ā€œThose guys? Those bestial freaks of nature? We exiled them here millennia ago, andā€¦ we never thought to cull themā€¦ they kept eating up all our spare Timeless Coins andā€¦ you justā€¦ harvest them? Why did we never think of that? Phooey.ā€

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