Space alien frogs are coming for azeroth

I have a source if you will in about 2 expansions later we will be under attacked by some cosmic invaders known as space frogs. They will play like some stereotypical bad guy with leaps and jumps and pew pew lazer beans. You know the whole story and how the jailer wanted to prevent this from happening. Well apparently the space frogs oh no they don’t want Azeroth soul or whatever. They want us they want to eat our soul you see that’s the difference. The space frogs are absolutely intelligent and 4D chess master plan. They go pew pew. My source is trust me bro and sis.


Is this battletoads?

World of Warcraft: Battletoads
Attack of the memes.

I got nothing.


These space frogs are no ordinary battle toads they have some magical shouting power that sounds really dumb but it can apparently change the planet. However I’m order to access this power they need us the player. For once we are the ones that need saving

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Do we get to join covenants frog armies to help our favorite croakers?

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Indeed this time we have to go through some trial. One is the modification army where you modify yourself sort of like a gnome into a cyborg esk character with pew pew eye lasers. Next is the farmer army where you help build them up to fight back against the evil space frog invaders. Finally since budget wise this expansion wants to focus more on story you have the option to join the space frogs themselves. Help achieve their master plan.

You beat me to it lmao

Orcs and elves with lasers?

Yes please.

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but are they gay? hehe

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Indeed the space frogs are a hive of villainy. They outright deleted the option to be a good guy again for us. They have some weird scourge hive mind control over the playerbase. Indeed these frogs no bounds. You cannot hope to survive with a cosmos divided is true. The void lords more like the void newbs. They are nothing compared to this vile menace known as the space frogs. They come for Azeroth you see and will use their tongues to emit some cyber doomsday device with explosions and use the color purple.

They’ll be here soon :frog:


All I know of that game is you have to be a VERY good gamer to beat it. That and coop actually makes it harder lol.

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Space Murlocs with an allied race Azeroth Murlocs!! Yay!!


We are already too late. The space frogs come for Azeroth. They will devour the playerbase with their shouting and their rib biting and there is nothing we can do. We must have worgen tails in order to shield ourselves from the space frog menace. We must have the citizens of Azeroth become aware of their leaders infighting causing terrible events. Indeed space frogs are the worst threat yet to come to Azeroth. Why didn’t you listen Saregeras it was not the void lords that were the enemy it was the 7th cosmic force the space frogs.

/ Crosses arms angrily.

Frogs are not toads

Mmm, BBQ frog legs.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Only if they are playable.

And be Alliance, they can use some green.



But it’s not easy being green.


Orcs say that all the time.


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I thought they said work work


They do the space frogs have mimic abilities