Sp-eye-glass in arenas

Not sure if anyone has come across this, but I was playing a 2v2 match with a friend (balance druid) against a holy pally and a shadow priest. We were both in stealth, but then the pally used this thing called Sp-eye-glass, and after using that he was able to target both of us in stealth.

Is this supposed to work in arenas/rbgs?

Doubt it. Blizz will fix it in about 2-3 months.


Cant you just stay away from him until he exits it or did it let him still see you after? Either way they need to make that a toy and not usable in arenas.

Yea, that’s what we did. Just not open. But the pally was telling his priest where to do his aoe spells. The spell will be active indefinitely, unless he moves it seems.

Lol blizzard is such a joke now


Yup, this happened to me in a RBG. DH just base sitting able to see our rogues and other stealthies across the map. Real cool blizz.

Dh have spectral sight though, it’s their jobs in rbg to find stealthies

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Wow this broken? Where does one acquire this item?

Ya where do u get this

Drops from Chest of Eyes treasure chest in the north part of Maldraxxus


on a 1 min cooldown that lasts for 10s…

Bump this spy glass isn’t working as intended it’s basically making stealth classes useless in rbgs it shouldn’t be able to be used in pvp period.


As much as I’m enjoying SL and want to be proud of the progress Blizz has made since BfA they’ve really dropped the ball on bugs and exploits so far


Honestly, for a company the size of Blizzard, and WoW being their biggest money maker by far, its almost criminal the sheer neglect they have for the game.

There really is no excuse to me. I play enough games to know it can and should be done better, because lots of other companies, big and small, do so. Not only that, there is a sub model and that does matter in today’s world, where there are so many games out there you can play for free and get 1000x the support and developer focus. And its not like WoW is devoid of microtransactions, either.


Sounds like creative use of game mechanics to me.

Lvl 30 paladin alt very sus

I listened to a recent Chris K. interview and he was asked why stuff like tank trinkets were allowed to affect PvP for so long in BfA and his answer was that WoW is a huge game with different departments and that the devs who create PvE items don’t even realize their stuff will impact PvP, and the devs that work on PvP stuff aren’t even aware of the items being created for PvE.

And this my friends is reason 956 why we need templates.


Well that may be true but couldn’t they nerf the trinkets in PvP

Does this could as exploiting or is this a simple matter of unintended interactions?

Yes, but that doesn’t appear to be a realistic solution. New items are constantly being created and they will inevitably fall through the cracks.

I think the bottom line is unless you have a way to put PvP in its own sandbox (aka templates) you are going to be continually subjected to changes intended for PvE.

Is it worth it? I guess that’s for each person to decide. Personally my WoW life is not at all improved by letting PvE seep into PvP, and I’m not seeing anyone really get value out of the ability to “customize “ their stats.