So...what's the deal with Avaloren?

I’ve literally never heard of such place/continent before the recent leaks, and while I’m not too invested in the Lore as I used to be some years back, I don’t recall this being referenced in any of the main Dragonflight campaign quests or side stories (so far).

Maybe it was a subtle reference and I’ve missed it? Is it part of any in-game book or real WoW book / short story?

If the leaks turn to be real (we’ll know in a week), would this have any connection with the Dragons storylines at all , or ir will simply be another time skip with “a new landmass has been discovered” and heroes are needed, etc?

Thanks in advance to all Lore experts out there!

Avaloren has been mentioned from DF lore. I can’t post link, but it shouldn’t be hard to look it up.

Not just Avaloren, but few other things like Khaz Algar.

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I believe its referenced in Wreckage Analysis Report from Uldaman


It’s pretty much a whole new retconned thing.

Well, probably not exactly a retcon, but I always thought the globe/map encompassed all of Azeroth. I thought Kalimdor was the western hemisphere, and EK was the east.

But that’s not the case, there’s a lot more to be explored. Maybe they’re actually both just in one hemisphere of Azeroth.

They’re going the route of “what if we only explored this one side of the map” and there’s more back there.

Which makes sense, if we’re in like medieval times. They didn’t explore the whole world back then.

We’ve never been to ‘the other side’ of the planet, and it’s been speculated for years what’s over there.

Apparently, it’s Avaloren/Avalon that is.

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That’s interesting, so it’s definetly something I have overlooked. I will check those Uldaman books!

it hasn’t expressly existed until DF. I believe it’s mentioned in titan records throughout the xpac

but it’s on the backside of azeroth, and we’ve known something is back there for a very long time. Ships that sailed east of EK or west of kalimdor are said to never return.

Avaloren is just them putting a name to whatever is back there.

I’m still skeptical the leak is real.


While I understand what you’re saying, but I find it hard to believe between Kalimdor and EK encompassed all of Azeroth. I mean, it’s not that BIG like old Kalimdor.

I always wondered what’s on the west side of Kalimdor or east side of EK. When I saw the Azeroth world from Argus, I knew there has to be more landmass around the world.

Avalon was a mystical island shourded in mystery and magic. I think in the Fate series it was revealed to be the Far Side of the End of the World. Meaning it’s another plane of existance.

I’m excited cause I like Arthurian lore.

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We have a transdimensional spaceship in orbit around Azeroth. It’s hard to suspend disbelief that we haven’t seen this continent before.


I’d assume it’s well defended like how we don’t explore Ogrezonia, Zandalar or Kul’tiras early on. :robot::thought_balloon:

Can’t just have expansion in revamped Azeroth, gotta have call to action. Avaloren invades west of Kalimdor and east of EK.

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You would have thought we had done a quick circle around the planet to check out what was on the other side while flying back on our spaceship from Argus.


I just looked at the map the same way we look at our maps with all the continents today.

Also, does Azeroth have a Southrend/Antarctica?

Something below Pandaria I guess lol.

Good question. I dunno!

If you looked down from up there, a lot of Azeroth is covered by clouds and fog. You can only see bits of the world from up there, like the Maelstrom.

Apparently it’s why we never found Pandaria and the Dragon Isles prior, even though we had zeppelins and air travel.

The issue here is we’ve also been taught this in game too. Ulduar’s globe has this as the actual case, and not to mention we saw Azeroth from Argus where we see it spin and we can easily make out locations on the map. This is gonna be another Mists / BFA / DF situation where it’s some kind of massive continent on the other side of the planet that’s been hiding forever probably.


Yeah Legion really did a number on plausibilities for things like this with the final patch. Which itself was part of the start of the BFA-SL cycle of lore and story. The Vindicaar being there is just another monumentally stupid thing to do which any smart writer knowing they might need to continue you know writing the story they’ve been doing for more than 15 years now would think for a moment and realize before hitting publish that actually they might have a problem with bringing in new places in their world in the future with something like that without a whole lot of hard to believe handwaving. But the WoW writers lately have not been very clever or forward thinking.

The latter of course being absolutely necessary for any writers of a long-running MMORPG series which inevitably must have new places to go to in order to sell more units of expacs to keep the game running to get paid.

I really like the idea of staying on Azeroth and a new continent rather than more space stuff but the whole thing is going to require ridiculous amounts of suspension of disbelief which hurts the credibility and player buy-in of the story.

Dangerous seas separating us is one thing, constant cloud-cover that obscures it from viewing by space yet there’s still vegetation growing and magically light when we get there is just absurd to do a third time. I’d be all up for the seas being dangerous, horrible storms but just pulling the same thing again and claiming it hid it from our space ship as well is just really beggaring belief. That said of the two choices I’d rather they retcon us having the spaceship and really everything but the alliances formed in BFA between the last patch of Legion and last patch of SL but that’s not going to happen so meh.

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Yeah, I always thought those globes were silly, because they aren’t retconned to keep up with new locations.

All those globes from Wrath and whatnot, only show EK and Kalimdor, Northrend, but no Pandaria, Kezan/Lost Isles, Broken Isles, Dragon Isles, and so-forth.

It was a bad idea to pretend the world has already been “explored”, by the titans and whatnot, when there’s always new places cropping up out of nowhere.

If anything, they should’ve been covered in sticky notes with question marks on them lol, more plausible.

My only issue with new continents in WoW is that every single one has the same story of “Oh it was hidden away until just this exact moment of time.”

First Pandaria, then Dragon Isles, now Avaloren. The world has broken apart like three times you’d think some of these defenses hiding these places would have broken too.


Yup. That’s another trope they’ve done too many times.

I would’ve liked it more if another cataclysmic event happened, and this land was thrust up from below or something. All the inhabitants jostled around and surprised by the surface.

Even Zalalek Caverns subzone had a better introduction, with dragons carving tunnels into it.

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