Southshore vs. Tarren Mill Strawpoll

Assumption is that what you both did.

That is Assumption.

I could be top DPS in this BG unless there is better gear boomkin But I choose to use my own strategy.

Flamestrike, Meteor, Flame Patch, World in Flames is what I use the most this setup is more about control than padding meters. Like you, I choose to use my own strategy in this BG you assume that everybody plays this BG for glorify numbers. I play it because it’s player versus player more than any other BG that we have.

I do not down people for playing Wintergrasp It’s just not who I am It’s just not for me I don’t like getting killed by vehicles.

If you are beating boomkins on the meters you are patting LOL. Because all they do is hit moon fire and Sunfire and Starfall which is not doing anything.

And I’m not making assumptions. If the Q for it is about 20 minutes long when most brawls are a lot shorter it shows most people are not interested in it.

Even in my experience with 40 man premade people lose interest because they don’t like slugfest back-and-forth because I’ve heard it over and over and over through the years.

It’s nice that people enjoy this but it should never be in the rotation because majority of people through the Q times do not.

Fun is subjective to everyone. But even the monk saying he seeing the same people over and over that shows you that there isn’t many people who want to play it. It’s actually a bad sign because that means the majority of the player base have no interest

Did you make a poll? Did you do a survey? Did you talk with somebody at Blizzard? If the answer is No to any of those you’re making assumptions.
You cannot compare Q time there is no other brawl that has 40 versus 40.

Do you know how many people that I’ve played against that is from the forums In regular BG.s I have also seen a few of those players in this BG. You don’t like this BG that is fine, but making assumptions about this BG or how the player base feel about it ludicrous. When you have not done any research or shown that you had done any research.

P.s You do got Classic Ashran I do not know if that 40vs40 It’s kind of new to the rotation so we’ll see how that plays out.

Random epic BGs are 40vs40 and have shorter que times and less maps to fill. TM vs SS has longer queue than epic. Less people are queueing for it.

If it was popular it would have a short Q time you don’t need a pole that has common sense…

If you’re bumping into the same players over and over with a long queue time that also shows not many people or queuing for it and commonsense would tell you not many people are doing it.

Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out that it isn’t popular :joy:

When did this discussion become about Random epic BG.s you just took it there LOL this is a (Brawl) totally a different queue system. But hey, I’m talking to someone who thinks he’s right up there with a rocket scientist.

Only one person on here said anything about the Q times being high, my highest weight time was 7 minutes, that’s not bad for a 40 versus 40 BG.

I have done 4 BGS today an my average wait time has been three to five minutes so again making assumptions without backing anything up.

P.s I made this for fun an you’re starting to make it not fun 'cause you like to argue so I’ll just will bid you a fair well have a good night.