Southshore Rebuilt

The Orcs aren’t even in Lordaeron anymore.

Um, what? They are. Did you play the questline where the the Horde and Alliance work together to reclaim Lordaeron? Unless you’re talking about the Exodus to Kalimdor? Which even still, there were multiple orcs who stayed behind.

That was the Forsaken. The Orcs self contained themselves to Durotar cuz Thrall is a filthy traitor who hates his own people.

Lore wise Capital City already has a port. That’s Lordaeron Harbor which is accessed by the lake. The river which runs along Southshore is lore wise massive where entire galleons could navigate into the lake and travel into Lordaeron City. Darrowmere River and Lake are lorewise as big as the Great Lakes in the real world. We have to remember that the Alliance does not need to go thru Darrowmere to get to Lordaeron City. They can go up the coast and use the port city on the Northside of Lordaeron.

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Imagine how amazing it would be to see south shore back and bigger, major quest hub city

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Dude that is my dream! If you know about the 2nd War some of the most important battles were fought in Hillsbrad and Southshore. The survivors of Stormwind settled in Southshore and when the call to rebuild Stormwind at the end of the Second War it was Terenas who called on the citizens of Lordaeron to go South with the survivors and rebuild their sister kingdom. Thousands of Lordaeronians from the Hillsbrad province went South and many from all over the kingdom.

By the Third War Stormwind was populated more by Lordaeronian citizens than those born of Stormwind stock. Meaning that the citizens of Stormwind are close kin to the Forsaken of Lordaeron. To the point that the survivors of the Third War and the first waves of immigrants from the Second make a huge percentage of the city’s population and beyond.

I want to see Southshore shine as one of the surviving jewels of Lordaeron and the province of Hillsbrad built to be what it was prior to the Third War. Wouldn’t it be neat? A quest hub worthy of the history and legacy that is Southshore. Maybe in Midnight we shall see it done justice. Human/Forsaken/Worgen all sharing the kingdom/continent of Lordaeron.


Why should get alliance anymore extra places near Lordaeron? It is already bad enough the Horde is ignored on Kalimdor where most zones turned neutral. Stop handing out candy like nothing to the blue team FFS.

The Alliance won the war. Let’s remember that. The reason the Forsaken have Lordaeron is because Genn Greymane during the Shadowlands sent Alliance forces to help in covert fashion and got Calia Menethil to work with the Desolate Council to give Gilneas back to the Gilneans. The Alliance got Southshore/Hillsbrad and the Horde got Lordaeron City the very home of the Alliance of old. The very territory the Alliance fought for in BFA. The lands they could have kept, but gave back to the Forsaken of Lordaeron. There should be no greater point that the Alliance has allowed them to return peacefully and in turn the Forsaken helped do the same to Gilneas and beyond.

Also remember, the Undead of Lordaeron are finite. They do not have a means to procreate and given enough time the living shall outnumber the dead. There’s no way for the undead to retain even the entirety of Lordaeron, let alone the provinces of Eastwald and Hillsbrad or much of Silverpine except whatever can be accorded with Gilneas.

The living deserve a home where they can rebuild their lives. Southshore/Hillsbrad is that home where so many fought and died for. Lands which the Forsaken previously committed atrocities in such as the concentration camp where Hillsbrad once stood and the ruins of Southshore which is now being unblighted. This isn’t Alliance vs Horde.

This is the living humans/worgen sharing the lands with the undead and both sides of the coin sharing the continent peacefully. Until Midnight where we know what shall happen to Silvermoon. Stop advocating for ridiculous positions and cede the point. The living have a right to a piece of Lordaeron same as the undead. Both sides deserve to coexist and if you can’t accept that. Play another game. This is the future.

So you finally accept the story of this game is manipulated in the favor of the alliance?

you mean alliance dominated.

Stormwind, Stromgarde, Kul Tiras, Gilneas are not enough? Typical greedy alliance player as always.

This is your wet dream of the alliance getting everything with a kiss while the Horde get the boot and are forced to give up territory cuz their own crappy leaders activley worked against their own interests., That is what YOU have to accept. Alliance player.

Because it’s good writing.

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Exactly and the story isn’t over. We have Midnight to look forward to. Whatever comes, Lordaeron, Quel’thelas, Stromgarde, Gilneas and maybe Alterac shall see huge changes in the years to come. The sooner we accept that we may not get the stories we want, but a good story nonetheless.

You may very well get Alterac, you got Zandalar, Lordaeron City and the Night Elves forgave the Horde players who burned their world tree Teldrassil and committed genocide upon them. What more would you have? I bet by Midnight the Horde shall have the Amani among their ranks along with Earthen Dwarves. Surely that’s a fair price? Zul’Aman and Earthen Dwarves?

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No other race but humans has this much lands and nations to call their home right now. Friendly reminder that Orcs who used to be the Horde mainrace are basically currently just owning Durotar. Don’t complain about fairness when the alliance started with so many advantages it is laughable.

If you actually blieve the blood elves will get even scraps on Midnight then you are very much delusional. It will be fully about the alliance elves because Blizzard never cared about the Horde at all. Their story is an afterthought at best.

Humans getting everything is not a good story.

Nobody actually cares about nameless NPCs. All important night elf characters are alive and they got gifted a new world tree. No Horde race in existence got anything similar ever like that.

Midnight is either going to be the Blood Elves shining/crowning moment to really show off what they’re capable of, or we’ll be following just Alleria and her friends.

I kinda think that the blood elves deserve to shine in Midnight though, even if Alleria is one of the Main Characters of the World Soul saga. The horde does need a feel good moment for a change.


Yep that one it will be.

Than I hope we’re both wrong. But sadly probably what it’s going to be.

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TBC ended their story with a bad taste and they instantly lost their edge. They didn’t respect the blood elf story back then enoughto keep Kael alive and will not do it now after being forced to share Quel’danas with the Draenei and had Lor’themar and Jaina become friends despite her actions. We all know what it is gonna be in the end. Alleria will be the savior of Quel’thalas which prompts them to leave the Horde so the diehard high elf fans gte what they wanted.

Hard pass. Lordearon belongs to the Forsaken, always and forever.

In a less tongue and cheek reply, the evolving closeness that Calia is attempting to develop for the Forsaken with the Alliance is something of Calia’s own outlook and largely hers alone, maybe a little bit of Voss. Belmont, Faranell, and Velonara are ambivalent to the Alliance and appear uncaring or tepid to dialog yet simultaneously distrustful and resentful given their history, or openly hostile. This Golden-ism doesn’t strike a chord with most Forsaken players. What we largely picked up when creating our Forsaken is an outcast people who perceive the world, accurately, as one out to eradicate them and forced into dubious means to survive - primarily against the same people they use to call fellow countrymen.

While outlooks and cultures change over time, the core of the Forsaken is a distrustful people to most outside forces, and most are distrustful towards them in return. This is more important now than before given the abysmal narratives the Forsaken had to endure at the hands of misogynistic and otherwise terrible (both in personality and skill) writers. They need their pillars and unique qualities of the nation further expressed in the narrative. Sharing Lordearon, outside of what is not already controlled, isn’t it.

Hillsbrad and our experiences there remains a core piece for the Forsaken identity. This open green land showcased a largely untouched Lordearon and the frontier of the new Forsaken nation who consider all of historic Lordearon theirs, because it is.

Southshore can come back, and it should come back, but as this celebratory coming together of worgen (who are not from Lordearon), Forsaken, and human in what is/was a blight tainted space turning the populace to goo, and slaughtering the survivors elsewhere, isn’t it. Rodgers on the blue side certainly wouldn’t be having it either.

Rolling over and accepting what we might get also isn’t the argument you think it is. While large themes and story beats are set in stone, expressing displeasure with the tone and direction the Forsaken appear to be going in is at least an attempt to course correct. Blizzard recognizes cheapening characters and creating story that doesn’t land with the player base forces people to leave. Those who do because of this are incredibly difficult to get back. So our input is important and necessary