Sources for cata classic class guides?

Are there any yet? Yeah, I know, the talent trees are simplified but there are still some choices and you can still make bad ones. Been using IV for wrath but they don’t have a cata category as of a few minutes before this post

I’m sure if you provide the class you are interested in, some youtuber/streamer has their prepatch guide on youtube or some write up in a class dedicated discord (Fight Club / Light Club / Blight Club) that people can point you towards.

Pre-patch is expected to last a month, so we are still a long way out before the theorycrafters have written their guides for Cata pre-bis and bis lists.

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Whatever you end up finding, just expect things to wildly change once people start experimenting. We already saw a lot of results that were way different from expectations in Wrath


all classes but a few before the others. Lock, DK (unholy pref) DPS warr are my top 3. Those are my 80’s rearin to go.

Last time through, I just winged it and pretty much made a mess of things. I did notice some classes that I leveled all the way up were better at some level ranges.

i know has their Classic Cata guides out including rotations and talent builds

From what I’ve read, all 3 of those are great.

I use Icyveins for resources about talents, gear, etc. They don’t have the guide out for Cata yet, unfortunately, but I would expect they will have it up soon.

Wilee on youtube does good videos regarding the classes and he has already done Lock for cata, so you can check that out. He will be covering all the classes.

P.S. Wilee vid:

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I was using www. tauri-veins. com/class_new.php in the Beta

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